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BerandaTutorialWordpress Indonesia100 Template Situs Web Bisnis Gratis untuk Startups (HTML & WordPress) 2020

100 Template Situs Web Bisnis Gratis untuk Startups (HTML & WordPress) 2020

Di sini Anda bakal menemukan templat situs web bisnis terbaik untuk kategori apa pun yang Anda perlukan. Selain itu, kami memiliki lebih dari 800 lainnya template situs web yang dapat Anda temukan di sini.

Sebuah bisnis kecil membutuhkan outlet digital profesional untuk memproses kebutuhan pelanggan serta memberikan pengalaman bisnis yang sempurna. Digital ialah tempatnya jika Anda berencana untuk terhubung dengan pelanggan dari seluruh dunia, alih-alih membatasi diri Anda pada satu kota atau satu negara. Pada awal 2000-an, web belum begitu berkembang, serta situs web bisnis agak sederhana; sedikit informasi bisnis, serta detail kontak tentang cara menghubungi. Namun belakangan ini, web ialah benteng yang kuat di mana bisnis dapat disimpulkan langsung dari perangkat seluler, tanpa harus berpindah dari sofa Anda. serta untuk keanekaragaman jenis ini, situs web bisnis harus memiliki fitur yang hebat serta dinamis, tetapi juga desain yang dapat melengkapi kemampuan tersebut.

Sayangnya menyewa seorang desainer web masih merupakan tugas yang mahal, khususnya, jika Anda mencari pekerjaan yang sangat khusus, Anda bisa melihat kisaran harga $ 10.000 hingga $ 50.000 untuk desain profesional, yang bukan sesuatu yang mudah diakses oleh mereka yang tidak memiliki modal awal. Tetapi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, banyak desainer serta pekerja lepas telah mengambil sendiri untuk menghasilkan tema serta templat gratis yang dapat digunakan untuk memulai situs web Anda dalam beberapa jam, dibandingkan harus menunggu berminggu-minggu untuk bekerja dengan freelancer desain khusus. Dengan evolusi cepat berbagai kerangka kerja serta alat web, mendapatkan situs web profesional serta responsif untuk bisnis kecil Anda menjadi lebih mudah dari sebelumnya.

Colorlib sudah mencakup beberapa pengumpulan tema fantastis di bidang ini, namun kami merasa bahwa untuk memperluas pasar template HTML5 gratis ini dengan sungguh-sungguh, kami harus masuk lebih dalam serta membuat konten yang beresonansi dengan setiap niche secara individual, serta hari ini niche tersebut bakal menjadi templat situs web bisnis kecil. Kerangka berikut ini ialah karya seni yang telah membuat para desainer bekerja keras selama berjam-jam untuk mereproduksi apa yang kami pahami sebagai prospek bisnis kecil untuk outlet digital. Semua tema – terlepas dari beberapa di bagian bawah – tersedia untuk diunduh gratis secara instan, serta sebagian besar dilengkapi dengan folder dokumentasi untuk memberi Anda langkah awal tentang cara membuat templat ini berfungsi untuk kebutuhan bisnis Anda.

Secara keseluruhan, ini ialah kumpulan beragam yang mencakup berbagai kategori usaha kecil, serta dengan sedikit kesabaran serta bermain-main, Anda dapat menyesuaikan setiap templat agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis kecil Anda dengan sempurna.

Tanpa ragu-ragu, mari kita lihat templat situs web bisnis terbaik untuk meningkatkan penjualan Anda.

Pembuat Situs Web Wix

templat situs web bisnisPembangun situs web terbaik untuk bisnis kecil serta menengah!

Info lebih lanjut

Divi (WordPress)

desain situs web bisnis untuk WordPress

Apa pun jenis situs web bisnis yang ingin Anda buat, Anda dapat melakukannya seperti seorang profesional dengan Divi. Berbicara tentang pro, Anda bisa menjadi pemula yang lengkap serta masih berhasil membuat halaman yang mencolok serta profesional dengan penggunaan Divi. Alat yang luar biasa, penuh fitur ini ialah semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk membuat Anda segera pergi.


Kami bahkan tidak perlu masuk ke detail serta Anda sudah bakal ketagihan. Segera setelah Anda membongkar Divi, Anda mendapatkan koleksi besar lebih dari seratus demo situs web yang lengkap. Betapa kerennya itu? Temukan saja tata letak yang beresonansi dengan proyek Anda serta mulailah dari sana. Pada titik ini, Anda dapat menggunakan desain web persis seperti apa adanya atau memperbaikinya dengan pembangun Divi membenturkan. Yang diperlukan hanyalah menyeret serta menjatuhkan serta Anda dapat menyaksikan hasil instan.

Anda juga dapat memperluas halaman Anda dengan blog serta bagian toko online, membuat portofolio, serta menangkap prospek baru dengan berlangganan dari; opsi banyak ketika datang ke Divi.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh

Jevelin (WordPress)

templat situs web bisnis

Jika ini ialah pertama kalinya Anda mendengar Jevelin, Anda beruntung. Saat menyiapkan halaman untuk bisnis apa pun yang Anda rencanakan untuk diluncurkan serta naik ke level berikutnya, dengan Jevelin, Anda dapat mempercepat proses membangun situs web yang diinginkan. Lagi pula, ada beberapa halaman demo yang telah ditentukan yang Anda inginkan, yang dapat Anda gunakan apa adanya atau edit sesuai kebutuhan. Perlu diketahui, Jevelin hadir dengan pembangun halaman seret serta lepas WPBakery yang sepenuhnya menghindari melakukan pekerjaan pemrograman. Dengan Jevelin, mengerjakan halaman menjadi permainan anak-anak.

Layout Jevelin 100% mobile-ready, cross-browser kompatibel serta selaras dengan layar retina. Ini juga dioptimalkan untuk SEO serta kecepatan pemuatan cepat untuk pengalaman tanpa cacat terus menerus. Beberapa fitur lainnya termasuk menu mega, widget, Slider Revolution, dukungan RTL, scrolling halus serta tema anak.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh

Shapely (WordPress)

Shapely ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis untuk WordPress yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk semua jenis proyek. Ini bisa berupa bisnis lepas baru atau lembaga perusahaan, Shapely menangani semuanya dengan mudah. Ini ialah alat yang kuat serta kaya fitur yang sangat mudah digunakan. Tidak perlu bagi Anda untuk memiliki keterampilan pengkodean untuk mengambil Shapely untuk keuntungan Anda serta menuntaskan halaman yang tepat Anda butuhkan untuk diri sendiri atau klien Anda. Bagaimanapun, Shapely gratis untuk penggunaan pribadi serta komersial.

Dukungan WooCommerce responsif, siap retina, warna tak terbatas, serta gambar pahlawan hanyalah beberapa barang yang Anda terima dengan Shapely. Anda juga mendapatkan akses ke dokumentasi yang luas agar Anda tidak pernah mengalami masalah apa pun saat membangun dengan Shapely. Namun, kami mengambil langkah lebih jauh serta mengumpulkan tutorial video yang bakal memandu Anda melalui seluruh pengaturan, dari instalasi hingga portofolio, testimonial, serta peluncuran terakhir halaman Anda.

Omong-omong, kami juga memiliki panduan langkah demi langkah yang lengkap cara membuat situs WordPress untuk semua orang yang baru dalam proses ini.

Unduh Pratinjau


templat situs web laman landas

Templat aplikasi seluler individual berfungsi dengan baik bila Anda hanya berkecimpung dalam bisnis untuk mempromosikan satu aplikasi, tetapi bisnis apa yang memiliki lebih dari satu aplikasi seluler? Pendaratan dalam kasus ini bahkan tidak membatasi dirinya pada konsep itu, keduanya merupakan templat seluler tetapi juga templat desktop untuk agensi, bisnis, serta pemula yang secara aktif mengembangkan aplikasi seluler, serta Anda dapat memodifikasi Pendaratan yang sesuai dengan situs web Anda juga di mana Anda menyediakan layanan pengembangan aplikasi. Ini ialah contoh lain dari seberapa bagus pengembang tema ini, desainnya memiliki kualitas yang menakjubkan serta Anda pada awalnya tidak bakal percaya bahwa ini memang templat gratis. Kami menyukai widget tangkapan layar yang dibangun sebagai penggeser lebar penuh tempat Anda dapat memasukkan gambar aplikasi seluler serta meminta pengguna menggulirnya.

Bagian tur ialah untuk memamerkan fitur aplikasi Anda, mengapa lebih baik daripada kompetisi, serta Anda dapat memasukkan tangkapan layar di sini juga. Mengingatkan kami beberapa desain yang digunakan startup seperti Stripe; ringkas, langsung ke esensi, serta indah. Fitur menggunakan tata letak kotak ikon font untuk memperluas informasi yang telah Anda bagikan tentang aplikasi Anda. Testimonial dirancang serta dirancang dengan indah sehingga orang dapat melihat mengapa orang lain lebih suka menggunakan aplikasi Anda, serta bagaimana mereka menemukan aplikasi Anda sangat membantu dalam kehidupan mereka. Widget harga duduk di latar belakang putih, dengan batas hijau menambahkan efek kesederhanaan. Tetapkan apa pun yang perlu diketahui oleh pelanggan Anda tentang masing-masing paket serta nikmati saat penjualan mulai mengalir.



Templat Gratis Pakar

Jika Anda ingin mempresentasikan proyek Anda dengan satu halaman atau bahkan membuat halaman arahan, Anda lebih baik bergerak maju dengan Pakar. Ini ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis yang bakal membuat bola segera bergulir. Tanpa perlu melakukan brainstorming desain situs web Anda, Anda sekarang dapat mulai dengan langkah maju dengan menggunakan Pakar. Seberapa sederhana kedengarannya?

Tentu saja, ketika melakukan pekerjaan dengan Pakar, Anda harus memiliki pengalaman dengan pengkodean, karena memang membutuhkannya. Lagi pula, Expert ialah templat HTML. Selain itu, Anda bakal menemukan segala macam fasilitas hebat yang ditawarkan oleh solusi ini. Dari penggeser serta ajakan bertindak hingga menu lengket, animasi, tabel penetapan harga, serta dukungan video, semuanya merupakan bagian dari paket untuk kenyamanan Anda.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Bayangkan Template Gratis

Bayangkan Anda dapat mempercepat proses membangun situs web untuk bisnis Anda. Nah, sekarang Anda bisa, serta ini ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis yang hebat yang bakal melakukan trik tanpa hambatan. Meet Imagine, kanvas halaman canggih yang menawarkan banyak fitur praktis yang dipadukan ke dalam desain web yang mencolok. Juga, Bayangkan batu struktur situs web satu halaman, memastikan semua terorganisir serta terlihat jelas pada satu halaman. Mengapa membuat situs web multi-halaman jika Anda tidak perlu? Jadikan pop dengan Imagine sebagai gantinya.

Penampilan Imagine yang bersih, minimal, serta kreatif memastikan semua orang menikmati pengalaman yang menyenangkan menjelajahi konten Anda. Anda dapat, tentu saja, menggunakan alat di luar kotak alias apa adanya atau Anda dapat memperkaya dengan sentuhan kreatif Anda. Bayangkan menawarkan Anda untuk memulai proyek Anda dalam gaya dengan berbagai barang yang bakal membantu Anda.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Buat Template Gratis

Jika Anda siap untuk membuat hal-hal luar biasa, Buat ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis yang bakal melakukan trik. Dengan struktur paralaks satu halaman, Anda dapat membuat kehadiran online yang bakal mendorong kemungkinan lebih serta lebih. Buat hal-hal tetap sangat bersih serta modern, menjamin Anda sebuah hasil yang bakal memukau serta menginspirasi setiap pengunjung. Ini ialah alternatif yang dapat diambil individu serta agensi kreatif mana pun untuk keuntungan mereka.

Dalam kit, Anda bakal menemukan fitur-fitur, seperti efek mesin tik, scroll paralaks, navigasi lengket, galeri serta slider testimonial, untuk beberapa nama. Formulir kontak fungsional, ikon media sosial serta halaman blog siap pakai juga tersedia untuk Anda gunakan. Buat ialah template HTML yang membutuhkan pengetahuan pengkodean untuk mengaktifkannya serta mengubahnya menjadi situs web fungsional.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Templat Gratis Marian

Marian menawarkan pada Anda outlet kreatif dalam hal membangun situs web untuk hotel atau resor. Bahkan, Anda dapat dengan mudah menyesuaikan alat dengan kebutuhan Anda serta menggunakannya untuk jenis bisnis akomodasi lainnya. Anda memiliki banyak sekali opsi serta kemungkinan yang bakal membuat Anda langsung bekerja. Marian ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis yang menawarkan Anda beragam fitur, yang menjadikannya alternatif yang sangat premium.

Google Maps, formulir kontak, tombol kembali ke atas, halaman kamar, blog, navigasi terapung, serta testimonial hanyalah beberapa dari fasilitas yang dijanjikan Marian. Juga, gaya templat sangat bagus serta canggih, dengan mudah melayani berbagai selera berbeda. Jadikan hotel Anda menonjol secara online dengan Marian.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Template Gratis Hus

Hus ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis yang mencolok untuk agen real estat, tetapi perusahaan arsitektur dapat menggunakannya juga. Ini ialah desain web yang fleksibel serta mudah beradaptasi yang bekerja untuk semua jenis target serta niat. serta jika Anda menggali tampilan Hus di luar kotak, Anda dapat menggunakannya dengan tepat. Setelah semua, desain Hus sangat menarik bagi mata, indah menampilkan semua bagian yang berbeda untuk dinikmati klien potensial.

Dari slider besar, ajakan bertindak serta menu tarik turun ke statistik animasi serta efek hover, Hus memiliki sejumlah fitur untuk templat gratis. Blog, testimonial, formulir kontak yang berfungsi serta Google Maps juga semua barang lain yang Anda dapatkan juga. Mulai di internet dengan situs web yang berdampak yang bakal meningkatkan potensi Anda ke ketinggian baru, terima kasih pada Hus.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Templat Gratis Roofing

Roofing, seperti namanya, ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis yang mencakup apa pun yang terkait dengan atap. Dengan desain yang indah serta profesional, Anda menciptakan kesan kuat serta abadi pada semua orang yang mengunjungi situs web Anda. Pertama serta terpenting, gunakan penggeser layar penuh secara strategis, pencampuran gambar, teks, serta ajakan bertindak untuk hasil terbaik. Itu beberapa detik pertama yang paling penting. Berkat Roofing, Anda dapat menyelesaikan berbagai hal sehingga bakal menguntungkan Anda.

Barang atap lainnya termasuk statistik animasi, testimonial, efek hover, tabel harga serta ikon media sosial. Anda juga dapat melakukan pemasaran konten yang bermanfaat melalui blog serta membuat semua orang menemukan Anda dengan menambahkan lokasi Anda ke Google Maps terintegrasi. Terakhir tetapi tidak kalah pentingnya, Anda mendapatkan formulir kontak fungsional juga. Ambil risiko, tekan tombol unduh serta mulai kuat di internet dengan Roofing.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Aler Template Gratis

Aler ialah templat situs web real estat eksklusif yang tidak dikenakan biaya sepeser pun. Desain yang sangat mengesankan serta menarik perhatian ini bakal segera menghubungkan Anda. Lagi pula, mengapa menunggu, Aler tidak mengeluarkan biaya apa pun, namun hasilnya bakal profesional serta canggih. Bahkan jika Anda menggunakan templat situs web bisnis gratis ini di luar kotak, Anda dapat mengharapkan hasil yang fantastis. Tapi di sinilah semuanya dimulai. Tentu saja, Anda dapat menyesuaikan gaya Aler, sehingga mengikuti Anda semua peraturan merek.

Meskipun Aler gratis, ia tetap memperlakukan Anda dengan banyak fitur yang dapat Anda manfaatkan sepenuhnya. Selain itu, Anda juga tidak perlu khawatir tentang masalah teknis, karena Aler mengurus semuanya untuk kenyamanan Anda. Ya, itu ialah kompatibilitas dengan perangkat modern, browser web, serta layar retina.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Template Makanan Gratis

Baik Anda membuka restoran baru atau ingin mendesain ulang keberadaan online Anda yang sudah ada, tingkatkan beberapa tingkat dengan Meal. Desain yang menggiurkan ini bakal memicu perhatian semua orang sejak awal. Bagaimanapun, hal pertama yang dilihat semua orang ialah spanduk besar ini, teks sambutan serta tombol ajakan bertindak. Gunakan secara strategis serta semua orang ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang Anda dengan segera. Ngomong-ngomong, Meal bahkan menggunakan efek paralaks untuk membumbui semuanya.

Navigasi lengket, pada pemuatan konten gulir, menu makanan, ulasan pelanggan, formulir reservasi serta kontak, sebut saja, Makan batu semuanya serta banyak lagi. Anda bahkan mendapatkan Google Maps, yang bakal membantu Anda menunjukkan lokasi yang tepat dari bisnis makanan Anda. Ngomong-ngomong, Meal ialah alternatif templat yang bagus untuk membuat situs web satu halaman.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Template StartupBusiness Gratis

Karena itulah namanya, StartupBusiness ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis untuk startup serta bisnis kecil, serta agensi. Berkat pendekatan desain yang bersih, modern, serta minimal, Anda dapat dengan mudah menggunakan alat dengan proyek Anda. Dalam banyak kasus, StartupBusiness bakal berfungsi dengan baik di luar kotak. Namun, di semua yang lain, tentu saja, lakukan modifikasi tambahan serta sesuaikan StartupBusiness dengan keinginan Anda secara tepat. Semua yang diperlukan StartupBusiness dari Anda ialah untuk menjaga hak cipta tetap utuh, semua yang lain bebas untuk Anda lakukan serta tingkatkan.

Slider, tombol kembali ke atas, bilah keahlian beranimasi, navigasi yang lekat, testimonial, serta ikon media sosial hanyalah beberapa suguhan dari StartupBusiness. Anda juga dapat memainkan bagian blog serta memperkenalkan strategi pemasaran konten. Meskipun alat ini gratis, produk akhirnya tidak bakal spektakuler.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh

WebHosting Layanan

Template WebHostingService Gratis

WebHostingService ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis yang mencolok, mencolok, serta kontemporer untuk, seperti namanya, layanan hosting web. Jika Anda menjelajahi web untuk menemukan sendiri desain web terbaik untuk bisnis Anda, Anda datang ke tempat yang tepat. Dengan semua alternatif beragam dalam koleksi ini, Anda bakal menemukan salah satu yang paling cocok dengan Anda. Adapun hosting, WebHostingService datang lebih dari ideal.

Di atas flip, WebHostingService menyertakan slider lebar penuh dengan teks serta tombol ajakan bertindak. Ini ialah bagian yang harus Anda jalankan secara strategis untuk meningkatkan potensi Anda serta memenangkan lebih banyak pelanggan potensial. WebHostingService juga mencakup barang lain, seperti tombol kembali ke atas, harga kreatif, efek hover, navigasi mengambang, serta bagian berita. Jadikan bisnis serta layanan Anda bersinar online dengan templat WebHostingService yang menarik sekarang.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Templat Gratis PetSitting

PetSitting ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis lengkap yang sesuai dengan apa pun yang terkait dengan hewan peliharaan serta hewan. Apakah Anda menawarkan perawatan, perawatan anak, atau layanan jalan kaki, PetSitting ialah solusi yang sangat baik yang bakal membantu Anda menjadikan kehadiran online terbaik. Dengan tampilan modern serta kreatif, PetSitting juga menjanjikan pengalaman menjelajah yang hebat serta menyenangkan. Berbicara tentang pengalaman, PetSitting memiliki tata letak yang lancar yang secara instan menyesuaikan ke semua perangkat serta browser web yang populer.

Fitur hebat lainnya dari PetSitting termasuk efek paralaks, statistik animasi, akordeon, testimonial, paket harga, serta pada pemuatan konten gulir. Juga, jangan lewatkan membuat galeri yang indah serta membuat semua orang terlibat. Ada juga tata letak formulir konsultasi gratis. Jika Anda ingin memberikan kembali pada komunitas, bagikan pengetahuan Anda dalam bentuk tertulis melalui blog terpadu (untuk pemasaran konten!) Juga.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Sona Template Gratis

Hotel serta bisnis akomodasi, Sona ialah solusi terbaik untuk hasil yang bagus. Templat situs web bisnis gratis ini menawarkan desain yang sangat baik dengan segudang suguhan untuk produk akhir yang bakal memindahkan gunung. Bukankah itu sesuatu yang Anda cari? Selain itu, tidak memerlukan biaya sepeser pun, namun hasilnya bakal sangat premium. Itulah yang terjadi ketika datang ke salah satu templat Colorlib yang Anda temukan di daftar ini – semuanya sangat spektakuler.

Slider, formulir pemesanan, testimonial, tombol media sosial, halaman dalam yang indah, blog, formulir kontak serta Google Maps, Sona batu semuanya serta banyak lagi. Desainnya juga mobile-ready serta cross-browser. Jika Anda ingin bersinar secara online dengan situs web kelas satu, lebih baik jangan lewatkan memeriksa Sona yang menjatuhkan rahang.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


template gratis uza

Bersih serta profesionalisme ialah dua karakteristik utama Uza. Templat situs web bisnis gratis ini ialah opsi yang bagus untuk beragam niche yang berbeda. Apakah Anda sedang membangun agensi atau situs web perusahaan, Uza ada di sini untuk membantu. Ini memberikan skema yang menakjubkan yang bakal menawarkan Anda untuk melewatkan membuat halaman dari awal. Ada dua pendekatan untuk pengembangan web yang dapat Anda lakukan dengan Uza.

Pertama, Anda dapat memanfaatkan tata letak di luar kotak serta hanya menambahkan detail serta informasi Anda. Konon, tampilannya dengan hampir identik dibandingkan dengan live preview.

Kedua, berkat struktur terorganisir Uza, Anda dapat dengan mudah menyesuaikan serta memperbaikinya serta membuatnya sesuai dengan peraturan pencitraan merek Anda ke T. Terlepas dari strategi yang Anda ikuti, hasilnya pasti bakal menjadi mahakarya.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh

Muat ulang secara otomatis

Autoroad Template Gratis

Autoroad ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis untuk penyewaan mobil serta layanan transportasi otomatis lainnya (baca taksi). Dengan tata letak modern serta profesional ini, Anda dapat mempercepat proses pembuatan situs web Anda serta memasuki internet dengan keras. Apa yang bakal segera Anda perhatikan ialah fakta berapa banyak fitur alat olahraga gratis ini. Dengan kata lain, Autoroad lebih seperti premium daripada gratis. Gunakan tata letak pembunuh ini di luar kotak, tambahkan rincian serta informasi Anda saja. Di sisi lain, nikmati memodifikasi Isi Otomatis untuk kebutuhan Anda serta menjadikannya milik Anda.

Fitur-fiturnya termasuk fungsi pencarian kendaraan, efek paralaks, menu lengket, animasi bergulir, testimonial, ikon sosial serta rencana harga. Jika Anda ingin mengambil langkah lebih jauh, Anda juga dapat memperkenalkan bagian blog, yang dapat mendorong lebih banyak pengguna.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Templat Gratis Sanjung

Flatter ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis spektakuler yang terutama berfokus pada layanan katering. Tentu saja, fleksibilitas dari Flatter juga memungkinkan Anda untuk menggunakan kulit yang bagus ini untuk proyek-proyek yang berhubungan dengan makanan juga. Dengan mata yang menarik serta tampilan yang lezat, semua orang bakal langsung terpikat oleh kehebatan Anda. Biarkan penggeser layar penuh serta gambar makanan profesional Anda berhasil memenangkannya secara instan. serta Anda bakal, terima kasih pada Flatter pembunuh serta kreatif.

Beberapa barang lain yang olahraga Flatter ialah sticky header, menu drop-down, tombol ajakan untuk bertindak, menu serta galeri yang menakjubkan. Bangun kepercayaan pelanggan dengan testimonial, tampilkan logo dari berbagai merek serta perusahaan yang menggunakan layanan Anda serta bahkan memulai blog. Alih-alih memulai dari awal, Anda sekarang dapat membuat segalanya terjadi lebih cepat dari sebelumnya dengan menggunakan Flatter yang ramah.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh

Bantal Mart

Templat Gratis Pillowmart

Jika Anda ingin memulai situs web eCommerce niche, Pillow Mart mungkin templat situs web gratis yang ideal untuk Anda. Karena itulah namanya, ini ialah solusi ideal jika Anda ingin mulai mendorong bantal secara online. Tentu saja, Anda dapat dengan mudah mengubah serta menyempurnakan Pillow Mart serta menggunakannya untuk memasarkan produk lain juga. Pilihannya sangat banyak dengan Pillow Mart yang bersih, modern, serta canggih. Tetapi menggunakannya sebagaimana adanya memastikan eksekusi tercepat dari hasil terbaik.

Dalam bundel kebaikan, Anda bakal menemukan sangat banyak tata letak halaman serta fitur-fitur khusus lainnya yang bakal segera membantu Anda. Pillow Mart bahkan menyertakan ikon media sosial, blog, halaman daftar produk keren serta bagian kontak yang lengkap. Jika Anda siap untuk memulai dengan bisnis online, wujudkan dengan bantuan dari Pillow Mart.

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Template Gratis Conbusi

Conbusi ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis yang bekerja sangat baik untuk startup, agensi, konsultan, perusahaan, apa saja. Berkat desain yang dapat diperpanjang serta terbaru, Conbusi tidak kesulitan menyesuaikan diri dengan segala macam target serta niat. Bahkan di luar kebiasaan, Conbusi bekerja dengan hebat dalam menyajikan bisnis Anda secara online dalam cahaya terbaik. Selain itu, Anda juga dapat meningkatkan serta menyesuaikan serta menandai tampilan alat serta menyesuaikannya dengan arah Anda.

Dari slider serta tombol ajakan bertindak hingga navigasi yang lengket, statistik animasi, testimonial, serta formulir kutipan gratis, Conbusi menampilkan semuanya serta banyak lagi. Halaman untuk studi kasus Anda, blog, formulir kontak yang berfungsi serta Google Maps juga termasuk dalam kit untuk Anda manfaatkan secara total. Mulai sekarang untuk hasil yang cepat.

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Templat Gratis Industri

Meskipun Anda dapat mendekati pembuatan situs web dari kuadrat, Anda juga dapat menggunakan templat situs web bisnis gratis serta membuat perbedaan langsung. Untuk perusahaan industri serta perusahaan, Industrial ialah salah satu solusi terbaik yang saat ini dapat Anda tangani. Tentu saja, biaya desain Anda gila, sehingga, Anda tidak perlu kehilangan satu ton pun untuk mendapatkan. Berkat semua materi luar biasa yang terkandung dalam Industri, Anda dapat dengan cepat memulai di internet, menarik prospek potensial baru.

Terlebih lagi, Industrial 100% responsif, selaras dengan layar retina serta kompatibel dengan semua browser web modern. Singkatnya, kinerja halaman Anda bakal menjadi tingkat tertinggi sepanjang waktu. Slider besar-besaran, pada pemuatan konten gulir, halaman proyek yang indah serta menu tarik-turun ialah semua spesialisasi yang Anda dapatkan dengan Industrial.

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Daya tahan

Template Gratis Stamina

Gimnasium, pusat kebugaran, pelatih pribadi, sebut saja, Stamina ialah templat situs web bisnis luar biasa gratis untuk berbagai macam niat berbeda. Jika Anda siap memasuki industri dengan tas, lebih baik Anda mewujudkannya dengan Stamina. Ini ialah kanvas situs baik dengan semua yang diperlukan serta kemudian beberapa. Out of the box, Stamina hadir dengan tata letak yang fleksibel serta lancar yang membentuk kembali ke semua perangkat dengan mulus. Stamina juga kompatibel dengan semua browser web modern serta layar retina.

Beberapa fasilitas Stamina yang luar biasa termasuk latar belakang video, ajakan bertindak, navigasi yang lengket, serta efek paralaks. Ada juga jadwal mingguan, formulir kontak kerja serta halaman kelas kreatif. Perlu diingat, Stamina ideal jika Anda mencari template dengan struktur situs web satu halaman.

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Perbaikan otomatis

Templat Gratis Perbaikan Otomatis

Jika Anda mengoperasikan gudang atau fasilitas mekanik untuk mobil, promosikan layanan Anda dengan AutoRepair. Templat situs web bisnis gratis terbaik ini ialah solusi bagus yang bakal membantu Anda memulai dengan segera. Tidak perlu lagi melakukan brainstorming desain, biarkan AutoRepair mengatasinya, serta beberapa fitur serta fungsi. AutoRepair ialah templat Kerangka Kerja Bootstrap, yang memastikan fleksibilitas serta perpanjangan yang lengkap. Halaman Anda bakal beroperasi tanpa hambatan pada perangkat seluler, browser web populer, serta layar retina.

Dalam paket fitur, AutoRepair menghadirkan slider, tombol ajakan bertindak, tombol media sosial, statistik animasi, testimonial, serta tabel harga, untuk beberapa nama. Ada juga galeri yang indah, bagian blog serta halaman kontak dengan bentuk fungsional serta Google Maps. Promosikan layanan perbaikan mobil Anda secara online seperti pro dengan AutoRepair.

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Templat JustLaw Gratis

JustLaw ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis yang sesuai dengan firma hukum, pengacara, serta praktisi hukum idealnya. Jika Anda mencari solusi terbaik yang bakal membantu Anda memilah keberadaan online Anda, wujudkan dengan JustLaw yang praktis serta kuat. Desain canggih ini ialah paket kebaikan yang bakal membantu Anda keluar dari kotak. Namun, dengan beberapa penyesuaian, Anda dapat dengan mudah menyesuaikan JustLaw sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Tetapi menggunakan pengaturan default serta mengisinya dengan konten Anda juga berfungsi.

Selain itu, JustLaw mempraktikkan semua tren serta peraturan terbaru. Ini menjamin pengalaman sempurna di semua perangkat, platform penelusuran web, serta layar retina. JustLaw mendukung konten video, dilengkapi dengan animasi, tombol kembali ke atas serta formulir konsultasi gratis. Untuk membangun kepercayaan klien, integrasi testimonial JustLaw bakal melakukan triknya.

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Templat Gratis Chiropractic

Chiropractic hampir tidak memerlukan pengenalan, karena Anda sudah tahu siapa yang melayani templat situs web bisnis gratis ini. Seiring dengan layanan chiropraktik serta fisioterapi, Anda juga dapat menggunakan Chiropractic yang mengesankan untuk salon pijat terapi serta sejenisnya. Lagi pula, dengan fleksibilitas alat ini, Anda memiliki banyak opsi untuk menyesuaikannya dengan kebutuhan Anda secara tepat. Dengan fitur serta suguhan yang luar biasa, Chiropractic menjanjikan hasil yang mengejutkan yang bakal menarik perhatian semua orang sejak awal.

Berbicara tentang fitur, Anda mendapatkan slider, ajakan bertindak, pada pemuatan konten gulir, statistik animasi, testimonial, bagian blog, serta ikon media sosial. Chiropractic juga tidak ketinggalan formulir kontak fungsional serta Google Maps. Gunakan yang terakhir untuk menampilkan lokasi tepat tempat Anda, sehingga semua orang bakal dapat menemukan Anda dengan mudah.

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Templat Gratis Violet

Violet ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis yang modern, trendi, serta sangat serbaguna untuk toko pakaian serta merek pakaian. Selain itu, Violet bekerja dengan baik dengan bisnis lain, seperti perhiasan, tas, kacamata, aksesoris serta sejenisnya. Jika Anda ingin memulai di web dengan halaman web yang luar biasa, Anda sekarang tahu harus mulai dari mana. Lewati gagasan membangun ruang online dari bawah ke atas, unduh Violet sekarang serta gunakan segera. Untuk informasi Anda, Anda bahkan dapat mulai dengan tampilan default serta hanya nanti membumbui dengan peraturan merek Anda.

Slider merek, tombol media sosial, formulir berlangganan siap-buletin, halaman toko yang berbeda, serta tampilan slide lebar penuh di atas flip ialah beberapa spesialisasi Violet. Anda memiliki barang yang telah ditentukan serta siap untuk Anda manfaatkan serta bedakan halaman serta bisnis Anda dari massa.

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potong template gratis

Snipp ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis untuk semua orang di ruang kreatif. Apakah Anda mengoperasikan agensi atau bisnis lepas, dengan Snipp, Anda dapat membangun kehadiran online yang mengejutkan yang bakal membuat kagum semua orang. Tampilan alat ini sangat menarik serta menarik perhatian. Alih-alih melalui proses yang membosankan untuk menghasilkan situs web dari awal, Anda sekarang dapat mengambil Snipp untuk keuntungan total Anda tanpa perlu menghabiskan uang receh.

Meskipun alat gratis, Snipp masih dilengkapi dengan banyak fitur untuk kenyamanan Anda. Bagus animasi, ajakan bertindak, menu tarik-turun, memuat konten gulir, serta statistik animasi hanyalah beberapa spesialisasi Snipp. Anda juga dapat menggunakan Snipp untuk memulai blog serta menerapkan pemasaran konten strategis. Itu itu; sekarang giliran Anda untuk mengambil alih serta mengubah Snipp menjadi situs web fungsional serta bermanfaat.

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Template Grunt Gratis

Grunt ialah templat situs web bisnis satu halaman gratis yang mencolok, minimalis, serta canggih. Jika Anda menggali kebersihan dalam sebuah halaman, Anda sebaiknya tidak ketinggalan melihat Grunt yang unik serta asli. Alat ini dengan indah menampilkan semua konten, layanan, serta lainnya, mengesankan setiap orang yang bakal mengunjungi situs web Anda. Tidak hanya itu, Grunt juga meningkatkan potensi Anda untuk memenangkan klien potensial baru serta membantu Anda meningkatkan skala bisnis Anda.

Di atas flip, Anda mendapatkan slider layar split yang sangat bagus serta sangat menarik perhatian. Fitur lain termasuk efek hover, navigasi lengket, testimonial, bagian galeri / portofolio serta formulir kontak fungsional. Anda juga dapat menunjukkan pada dunia seberapa ramah Anda dengan ikon sosial terintegrasi. Anda juga tidak perlu mempertanyakan apakah Grunt ringan, siap-pakai seluler, serta kompatibel dengan browser – hanya saja!

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Templat Gratis Bankir

Bank serta lembaga keuangan lainnya dapat menikmati menggunakan Bankir serta mengubahnya menjadi halaman aktif. Template situs web bisnis gratis ini siap serta siap untuk mengesankan. Dengan spanduk layar penuh serta slider teks, Anda dapat membuat kesan pertama yang kuat serta mudah diingat yang bakal memicu rasa ingin tahu semua orang. Perkenalkan citra yang tepat serta salinan yang meyakinkan, serta Anda langsung meningkatkan potensi Anda ke level sebelas. Beberapa kata serta gambar dapat berdampak positif bagi setiap pengunjung serta membantu Anda memenangkannya.

Fitur Banker sangat banyak. Dari menu tarik-turun multi-level serta memuat konten pada gulir ke galeri yang dapat difilter, paket penetapan harga serta testimonial, Banker mengguncang semuanya serta lebih banyak lagi. Dalam kit, Anda juga bakal menemukan formulir kontak yang berfungsi, halaman blog, serta tombol media sosial. Mulai di web dengan keras serta buat perbedaan langsung.

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Unapp Template Gratis

Unapp, seperti namanya, ialah templat situs web bisnis gratis yang paling sesuai dengan aplikasi. If you would like to establish a complete presentation of your latest project or even the most recent update, use Unapp and make a difference. With the modern and striking design, you will instantly capture everyone’s attention and have them hooked on the superb information and attention-grabbing screenshots.

From slider, call-to-action buttons and on scroll content loading to video support and back to top button, it is all there for your convenience. The bundle also includes pricing plans, animated statistics, blog and about page. You almost won’t believe it, but Unapp even has an online store-ready section integrated into the design. Last but not least, save time with the functional contact form and let everyone get in touch with you.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Feliciano Free Template

For all the restaurant and food business owners out there, we bring you a modern, elegant and professional, free website template, Feliciano. The web design, this tool sports, will take everyone’s breath away in an instant. And if you have a hard time believing it, just head over to the live preview page and be blown away. Or shall I rather say, let Feliciano water your mouth?

Anyhow, Feliciano is a remarkable solution that will get you going right away. Let’s face it, you will not even want to bother changing the appearance. Instead, improve Feliciano with your imagery and texts and you are ready to roll. Of course, this is an HTML template that requires additional work to transform it into a functional and business-driven website. Instead of starting from the ground up, pick Feliciano and make a difference.

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Carrent Free Template

Carrent is a free business website template for car rentals. With the tool, you can now establish a first-rate online presence that will help you raise your potential to level eleven. It is a professional web design that calls for a striking website, pushing cars and services to new heights. Carrent works outstandingly well out of the box, fitting various different needs and intentions. In addition to that, you can also tweak the look and make it follow your branding regulations.

Full-screen banner and search function welcome every user above the fold. Further down, you have all these other sections that you can stuff with necessary information and details about your business and how renting cars works. Carrent is also based on Bootstrap Framework that gives it vital responsiveness and flexibility.

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Cargo Free Template

Cargo is a free business website template for transportation and logistics firms. Whether you are diving into a new business or you wish to redesign your existing brand, you can get it going with Cargo. It is a beautiful and modern page canvas that unlocks a horde of new opportunities. After all, if you lack an online presence, you might be leaving a ton of money on the table. To your luck, you can now go with Cargo and have the design part of your website all set.

Keep in mind, Cargo is an HTML template and not a tool for the immediate creation of a full-blown website. Yes, coding knowledge is necessary to work with Cargo and get the most out of it. However, the tool already comes with a great and user-friendly structure that will save you plenty of time.

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Europa Free Template

Travel agencies and accommodation business, Europa is the nifty free business website template for you. The Bootstrap structure ensures full responsiveness of the layout for a smooth and flawless operation on all devices. Indeed, Europa works like a charm on smartphones tablets and desktops. It is also cross-browser compatible and retina friendly. As for the technicalities, Europa sport it all out of the box.

We are not done yet.

Various home and internal page layouts, news section, a working contact form, Google Maps and video support are some of the nifty goodies of Europa. While you can stick to the out of the box look entirely, you also have the right to make improvements to the default appearance of Europa. In short, with Europa, you can expect an impressive business site for hotels unravel right in front of your eyes.

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Haircare Free Template

Hair salons and barbershops are in for a sweet treat. Here is a free business website template, Haircare, that will do you and your business well. Instead of lacking on your online presence, make a striking one with the help from the enticing Haircare. It is a Bootstrap Framework site skin that ensures full flexibility of the end product. Your page will run butter smoothly on mobile, tablet and desktop devices for an always pleasant experience.

Some of the amazing features of Haircare contain full-screen banner, parallax effect, sticky navbar, online appointment form, pricing tables and testimonials for building customer trust. With Haircare, you can also kick off a blog section that can contribute to a well-thought-out content marketing strategy. You are all set with a nifty design for a hair salon or barbershop website. Let Haircare take care of the appearance and raise your potential.

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Energen Free Template

Energen is a free business website template for spa and beauty centers. If on the hunt to speed up the building process of an online presence, pick Energen and save the day. It is a tool packed with amazing features that ensures a striking outcome. Have in mind, you are all set with using Energen out of the box; still, you can tweak it according to your branding regulations, too. Do what feels right and come up with a website that will take your beauty business to new heights.

Some of the features of Energen include full-screen banner with parallax effect, call-to-action buttons, sticky menu, pricing plans and testimonials. You can also create a beautiful photo gallery, start a blog and connect your page with your popular social media accounts.

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Hostza Free Template

For hosting companies and domain registrars, Hostza is an excellent free business website template to consider. With the modern, clean and creative design, you will stunningly display all the details and information of the different packages and services you offer. Hostza is also Bootsrap-based, making sure the flexibility is on point. Needless to say, Hostza is mobile-ready, cross-browser compatible, as well as in tune with retina screens. In short, the performance will be A-grade.

Drop-down menu, global map with animations, accordions, you name it, Hostza rocks a horde of features that will do you well. Along with the home page, there are also several internal layouts to take to your total advantage. As for the contact section, it comes with integrated Google Maps and a functional contact form, too. Make Hostza yours and start on the web with a bang from the get-go.

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Lawyer Free Template

Lawyer is an all-around free business website template for lawyers, agencies and other legal practitioners. When in need to set up a website without starting from scratch, pick Lawyer now and make a difference. The tool equips you with a nice bundle of amenities that together call for a striking outcome. Have in mind, if you dig the out of the box look, you can easily and effortlessly employ Lawyer exactly as is.

When showcasing cases, services and other special information with potential clients, Lawyer does the trick phenomenally well. The template even comes with a blog section that you can use not just for content marketing, but to share tips and tricks with the world and become an authority. A few extra specialties include online appointment form, testimonials slider and a working contact form.

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Mighty Free Template

Mighty is an all-around free business website template for agencies, creative professionals and freelancers. If you would like to take a shortcut and speed up the process of establishing a page, do yourself a favor a go with Mighty. When it comes to Mighty, you also do not need to worry about the technicalities, like responsiveness, cross-browser compatibility and retina screen-friendliness. Mighty sports it all out of the box for your convenience.

Mighty rocks a very clean, minimal, yet contemporary, design that will beautifully display your contents. It also comes with a gallery/portfolio, testimonials, supports video content, social media icons and an online journal/blog. Bring into fruition a marvelous and curiosity-sparking website for your agency or freelancing business with Mighty and stand out a mile. To top it all up, the tool costs you nothing, yet the results can be highly rewarding.

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Ararat Free Template

Whether you are launching an architectural agency or you would like to reshape your existing one’s website, Ararat is the ideal solution for your needs. This creative, modern and professional layout is packed with awesome features and functions for you to put into play out of the box. However, if you would like to fine-tune and alter Ararat, by all means, perform corrections and improvements and make it follow your regulations to a T.

Right away, you get hit with the full-width slider, text and call-to-action buttons. Use them strategically, and you can immediately increase your potential and get others interested in your works and services. Ararat also includes awesome projects pages, services section, blog, working contact form and Google Maps. If you are ready to impress, do things the right way with the terrific Ararat.

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Spacewood Free Template

If you would like to differentiate yourself from the competition, you better take into consideration Spacewood. This free business website template has a dark and elegant appearance which helps you stand out from the masses. For your information, if you are especially interested in interior design and furniture-related layouts, Spacewood is the ideal solution for you. Its creative and innovative look will surely get you going in little to no time. Not just that, but also boost your online presence to new heights and successes.

Spacewood is a Bootstrap Framework site skin, ensuring complete mobile-friendliness and cross-browser compatibility. It comes with all the necessary page layouts for you to start on the web in the shortest space of time possible. You can also introduce content marketing via blog and let everyone get in touch with you through the integrated, functional contact form.

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Buri Free Template

Buri is a tasty and mouthwatering free business website template for restaurants and food businesses. To create a strong and lasting first impression, let Buri take over and make a difference. Without the need to brainstorm the web design, you can see fantastic results with the incredible Buri. This eye-appealing site skin rocks tons of valuable and useful features which will get you moving forward sooner rather than later. In fact, just hit the download button now and start enjoying the amazingness of Buri.

Buri rocks a massive banner, call-to-action buttons, food menu, newsletter subscription, social media buttons and a working contact form. Google Maps is also integrated into the web design for showing your exact location. Without further ado, turn Buri into a functional restaurant page and salivate everyone’s mouth with your eye-bulging food imagery.

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Dizzi Free Template

Dizzi is an all-around free business website template for a broad assortment of intentions. The layout is minimal, modern, professional and sophisticated, quickly catering to your wants and demands. Many users simply want to stick to the default look of Dizzi due to its amazingness. However, feel free to go entirely against the norm and alter and fine-tune Dizzi to your signature style precisely. One thing is for sure, with a ready-made template, you can witness swift page realization. Let’s face it, there is no need to start from the ground up anymore.

Other practical features and functions of Dizzi contain drop-down menu, sticky navbar, hover effects, filterable portfolio and video support. Also, build customer trust with the integrated testimonials slider and welcome on board more business opportunity. Create something unique with Dizzi and inspire new potential clients with ease.

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crafted free template

For creative and marketing agencies or even professional individuals, Crafted is the free business website template that elevates your potential to the level eleven. Seriously, once you see the power of this web design yourself, you will immediately understand its capabilities. You will appear outstandingly professional with Crafted, providing everyone to get familiar with you and your services. But most importantly, encourage them to get in touch with you and get some business going.

Crafted is mobile-ready and cross-browser compatible, displays excellent on retina screens and ensures an impressive performance. They could come from a smartphone or a laptop, your Crafted-based website will run seamlessly all the time. However, the fun has only begun. You can update the default settings with your creativity and hammer out an enviable business page that will move your project forward.

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modelo free template

Modelo is a website template ideal for model agencies and model management. It is a free business website template with a truly creative and original look that will establish a strong and lasting impression. Modelo screams with elegance and style that come highly rewarding in the industry such as fashion. You can also further fine-tune the web design and make it even more spectacular.

Along with a beautiful home and other internal pages, Modelo also features a cracking slider, social media buttons, sticky navigation and a contact form. As a thriving model agency, chances are, you have a lot to talk about as well. If that is the case for you, you will definitely enjoy using Modelo’s news/blog section. Push your talented models and offer your services to a much wider audience once and for all.

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Taxi Free Template

Taxi is a free business website template that specifies its web design to taxi and transportation businesses. In fact, you can also use Taxi for car rental, it does not even require much tweaking. Whatever you will use the template for, the end website you are about to build with it will show your professional services and expertness. But most importantly, it will help you grow your business to the new extents.

Above the fold, Taxi features a big banner with text, call-to-action button and a booking form. Visitors do not even need to browse your page first to take action, they can do it straight away. However, make sure you use Taxi to its full capacity, fill it with your content and tell the world why your taxi services are the best in class.

Download Pratinjau

Fitzone 2

fitzone2 free template

If you already run a fitness center or gym or you plan to kick off a new business, let Fitzone 2 market it on the web professionally. This free business website template is ready and set to help you spread the word out. With a solid web space, you can reach a much broader audience and welcome on board even more sports addicts.

Fitzone 2 is here to sort things out on the web for you and avoid starting from complete scratch. Also, Fitzone 2 is a Bootstrap template, offering a completely responsive layout. Besides, Fitzone 2 also does not shy away from retina-readiness and cross-browser compatibility.

You can now share all your classes and even start a sports and nutrition-related blog. Use the latter for content marketing and take your fitness business to an entirely new degree.

Download Pratinjau


Stylistic Free Template

Stylistic is a free business website template for modeling agencies. If you are in need of professional and sophisticated web design, chances are high that Stylistic will do the trick. First and foremost, the template costs you nothing, yet the look and the functionality are of a premium-like tool. Moreover, Stylistic practices responsiveness, retina-friendliness and cross-browser compatibility. Your page will work flawlessly on smartphones, tablets and desktop computers without performing any additional tweaks.

As for the features, Stylistic rocks video background, call-to-action buttons, hamburger menu overlay, blog, testimonials and a functional contact form. Bear in mind, you can use Stylistic to construct a single-page website, the style of a page that is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Last but not least, Stylistic’s dark layout will surely spark everyone’s curiosity right off the bat.

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Vegefoods Free Template

Vegefoods is a free business website template for online stores pushing veggies and fruits. It rocks a clean, tasty and elegant web design which captures everyone’s attention straight away. Enrich it with your outstanding, mouthwatering imagery and win them over without a hassle. Vegefoods provides loads of features and function, which make it more of a premium than a free theme. It is also 100% mobile-friendly, browser compatible and in tune with retina screens. No need to worry about the technicalities.

Additionally, you will discover sticky navigation, full-width slider, call-to-action buttons, hover effects, countdown timer for special deals and testimonials. Back to top button, blog pages, functional working form and Google Maps also come included in the package. Without the need to start from complete scratch, you can save yourself additional time with the excellent Vegefoods.

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Whitespace Free Template

Whitespace is an outstanding page canvas for establishing a striking online presence that will take your business or agency to the next level. This free website template makes sure to spark their interest as soon as your page loads. Above the fold, you will find a creative presentation of a video which will definitely do the trick. Instead of sporting a banner, spice things up with a promotional video and make a difference. The first impression matters, and you ensure a strong and lasting one with Whitespace.

But this is just the beginning.

Whitespace also comes with all sorts of other amenities that will create an overall outstanding experience. Sticky navigation, on scroll content load, animated statistics, portfolio, you name it, Whitespace rocks it all and then some. You will also discover, testimonials slider, pricing plans, a special section for company logos and full-blown contact page.

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Sasu Free Template

Sasu is an exclusive free business website template for apps, mobile, desktop and web. Of course, you can play around with the features and use Sasu for pushing other software and SaaS, too. You do not always need to stick to the default settings when the template offers you oh so much more. In the case of Sasu, and the pretty and eye-catchy web design it sports, you can start your journey on the world wide web speedily. At least when it comes to the look of your page, Sasu takes care of it in full.

Sasu unlocks access to different treats, like sticky navigation, hover effects, drop-down menu, call-to-action buttons, pricing plans and all sorts of elements. Of course, Sasu also does not miss a blog section which you can employ to level up your web space and experience a boost in traffic.

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raptor free template

If you are starting a fresh web hosting company, Raptor is the free business website template that will help you sort out the design of your online presence. It is a modern, practical and easy to use site skin which will speed up the process of your page launch. The look of Raptor is simple and modern, perfectly adapting even to those with a picky taste. After all, you can always make adjustments and edits if necessary and make Raptor your own. In other words, there is no need to rely on the out of the box design fully.

Raptor has a responsive and flexible layout which easily fits your needs. From gradient colors, sliders and domain search function to pricing tables and animated statistics, it is all in the bundle for you to put into play. Blog and contact pages are also included in the kit for your convenience.

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Cohost Free Template

Cohost is another excellent free business website template for web hosting companies. With a modern and fluid layout, you can present your services on the web like a pro from the very beginning. As far as the web design goes, Cohost brings to the table a stunning one which you need to change very little. Of course, add your custom details and contents, but the base can stay exactly the same. On the other hand, Cohost allows you to modify it and make it your way.

For your information, you can use Cohost to build a one-page website but it works for multi-page sites, too. Cohost has all the important sections at your fingertips, including blog and contact pages. Additional goodies come in the form of accordions, sticky header, widget-rich footer, animations and domain search.

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kanox free template

Kanox is a free business website template, primarily focusing on agencies. By the way, if you are a freelancer and would like to take your project to new heights, get your hands on Kanox and craft yourself a killer online presence. With the right web design, you can easily create a strong and lasting impression on everyone that visits your page. You also raise your potential to win over more clients and score new gigs on a regular basis. And all because of a page that you are about to establish with Kanox.

Kanox also follows all the latest and trends and regulations, ensuring a butter-smooth operation of your website. It instantly adapts to all devices, smartphones, tablets and desktops. There you have it, a sophisticated, clean and contemporary layout which will help you stand out a mile.

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foundation free template

As the name suggests, Foundation is a free website template for fundraisers, charities and non-profit organizations. It has a gorgeous layout which will easily set you apart from all the rest. Establish a magnificent web space that will help you raise awareness for a cause and take your project to the next level. Present your charity on the web in the best possible light, tell more about the cause and provide all the additional information and details.

Foundation is easy on the eye, modern and simple to use. It rocks load of premium-like features which will keep your website of the highest quality from the beginning. Full-width slider, sticky navigation, testimonials, contact form and social icons are some more features of Foundation. Bear in mind, Foundation works great for constructing one-page websites, too.

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eatery free template

If you are in the restaurant space, Eatery is the free business website template that you need. In fact, Eatery is versatile enough to work with all sorts of different food businesses that you have going on or plan to start. As for the web design, Eatery sports a smooth, elegant and modern one. All your mouthwatering food imagery will appear phenomenal, making everyone want to reserve a table right away. Also, with the flexible layout, Eatery readjusts all the content instantly to handheld and desktop devices.

Use the full-screen slider to capture everyone’s attention and make them take charge by hitting on the call-to-action button. Additional specialties of Eatery come in the form of food menu, blog, newsletter subscription form, retina-friendliness and compatibility with modern web browsers. With Eatery, you can also start a food blog, share recipes and tell other valuable stories that will bring in even more potential clients.

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rental free template

Rental – hence the name – is a great solution for real estate agencies and realtors. It is a free business website template which will assist you at distinguishing yourself from the masses. Indeed, if you are tired of the same old web design that others are using, get things moving forward with Rental today. It is a free tool which you can employ right away. On top of that, as far as the web design goes, you do not need to start from the ground up anymore; Rental has the look ready and set for you.

Moreover, Rental has a magnificent front page, as well as beautiful about, properties, blog and contact sections. The latter also includes a functional contact form and Google Maps. Make Rental yours or use it exactly as is, whatever the case, the final product will surely be an excellent real estate website.

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inves free template

As a financial advisor, skip relying on word-of-mouth marketing and scale your business with a neat online presence. With Inves, a free business website template, you can now hammer out a professional page without the need to pay a hefty price fee. Inves is a modern, mobile-ready, browser compatible and retina screen-friendly layout which will place you right on top. For a free template, Inves guarantees a striking outcome that will surely be not even close to half-baked. See the live preview yourself and get the gist of it.

Full-screen slider, call-to-action buttons, animated statistics, sticky navigation, working contact form, social media icons and newsletter subscription, Inves has it all and then some. Last but not least, Inves has a one-page website layout where potential clients can learn all about your business and services in just a few scrolls.

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Balay Free Template

For your architectural or interior design studios, Balay is one of the most advanced tools to sort your out with a website. The web design of this free business website template is modern and elegant, beautifully displaying your work and attracting new clients. Amazing and big slider with clean navigation in the left sidebar welcomes every guest and has them intrigued in an instant.

Balay reveals all the content you intend to feature on your site on scroll for an unforgettable experience. What you will also find in the bundle is a blog and a functional contact page with Google Maps. The layout of Balay is fully responsive to adapt to all devices and retina screens smoothly. Push your projects and talents and start witnessing the business growth you were aiming for since the day of your initial plan for starting this fantastic project.

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Bakery Free Template

There is almost no need to describe Bakery free business website template any further. You know what it was initially built for by reading nothing but the tool’s name. Bakery is for bakeries that are serving the modern and urban locals, restaurants and even large grocery stores. But the most important, it is for displaying enticing images of your baked goods and get guests’ mouth to water.

Bakery is a Bootstrap 4 website template what guarantees you both flexibility and extendability. It is a mobile-ready website skin which is easy to use, edit and tailor to your needs. It comes with a sticky multi-level drop-down menu, clean and minimal look and a newsletter subscription widget. Keep customers informed by all your tasty bread daintiness, even cakes and sweet treats. What’s more, no one is stopping you from using Bakery’s blog section and start writing a food blog. It surely will do your business nothing but good.

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Repair Free Template

No matter what type of work you do as a handyman, make sure you have a website pushing your services. Let people find you on the internet, get familiar with what you do and hit you up right away. No need to be missing on the opportunity that lies all over the web all the time. Repair is a free business website template for computer repair exclusively, but you can easily use it for other stuff, too.

Repair is a simple to edit and utilize template with a broad range of features. From a full-screen enticing banner and vibrant colors to testimonial carousel and a working contact form, you will benefit from Repair greatly. There are also an Instagram feed and a newsletter widget included in the bundle, as well as social media buttons.

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Lingkaran cahaya

Halo Free Template

Halo is for all the creative personalities out there who call photography passion. It is the full-screen slider that surely will make a strong first impression on all your guests and make them hungry for more. For more of your outstanding creations that Halo free website template displays with a large and categorized portfolio. Your pictures will always be front and center with Halo.

Lovely hover effects, responsive layout, compelling about us page and a sophisticated services section, tell them what you offer and persuade them with your masterpieces for a steady growth of your photo project. Halo does not miss blog and contact sections, too, and delivers them to you in the most refined way. Use the former not only for content marketing but to express your individualism and to go on a personal level with all your visitors.

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Pharma Free Template

As the name suggests, Pharma is a free business website template for pharmacies and drug stores. It is a simple to use tool which you can alter and fine-tune to your needs and requirements precisely. This is an HTML template, meaning, additional work is necessary to turn it into a functional website. Read basic coding knowledge is mandatory. Other than that, you will have a lot of fun using powerful Pharma and launch an online business sooner rather than later.

Of course, Pharma’s layout is 100% mobile-ready, cross-browser compatible and retina screen-friendly. The outcome will be a magnificent pharmacy website that will take your business to new heights. Other amenities include massive banner, call-to-action buttons, multi-level drop-down menu, testimonials, product slider and more. Instead of starting from complete scratch, you can now get things moving forward with Pharma.

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Homes Free Template

Homes is a free business website template for realtors, real estate agencies and other property-related projects. With the contemporary, professional and sophisticated layout, Homes ensures a striking experience for all your visitors. Regardless of the device and browsing platform, they use, with Homes, the performance stays of the highest degree all the time. Pushing homes, apartments, suites and houses becomes easy once you gain access to Homes. The tool dedicates its heart and soul to the industry after all.

There are very many features that make suites a premium-like free template. From a completely responsive and flexible layout to the advanced search function, social icons, beautiful single property pages and more. Homes also includes a functional contact form, Google Maps, blog section and newsletter subscription. Kick off the creation of a real estate website in style with Homes now.

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Craft Free Template

Craft is a nifty free business website template for creative and digital agencies and freelancers. With the appealing layout, you will easily create a positive impact on all your visitors and potential clients. Craft also has a superb section for your portfolio, establishing a fantastic experience for everyone who would like to learn all about you, to the very last detail. Single portfolio layout is also shipshape and clean, emphasizing your content first and foremost.

Other treats of Craft are parallax effect, testimonials, contact form, smooth transitions and a full-screen banner. Craft also fully supports video content and comes with a drop-down menu. Moreover, Craft is based on Bootstrap Framework which gives it the necessary flexibility and extendability. Boost your potential through the roof with a marvelous website that you are about to bring to reality with Craft.

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Bato Free Template

You could be a photographer, a web designer and any other creative individual, when you need a solution for your website, look no further than Bato. This is a free business website template with a clean, neat and organized web design for displaying your works in the best possible light. The home page of Bato is nothing else than an astonishing split-screen slider with pagination. Sometimes, you just want to keep things simple for the best results possible.

Along with the innovative front page, Bato also has other inner pages for your projects, about, blog and contact. The navigation section also has a cool gallery sneak peek that you and your end users will surely enjoy. Besides, the blog section of Bato is so incredibly awesome, you might even want to use it to build an independent page with it. It’s possible.

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Invest free template

Invest is a free business website template for financial and investment firms. Out of the box, Invest is the ideal fit for those who have something to do with cryptocurrency, whether it is consultancy, trading, exchanging, whatever. The template rocks a modern and trendy web design which is responsive and mobile-ready. Now you do not have to worry about your site’s flexibility. All your end creations will look just as awesome on a mobile phone as they will on a desktop computer.

Persuade guests with the massive slider and introduce them to the world of virtual currencies in style. Invest even has a handy currency calculator and subscription form included in the package. Advertise your services, get them in touch with you using the working contact form and start a financial and cryptocurrency blog, all this and more with Invest.

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Industry free template

In our collection of the best free business website templates, you will find the exact tool you need for your web space. Even if it is not 100% ideal, feel free to tweak it per your request since all tools are super simple to use and employ. And Industry is no different. While it is a template for everything industrial, the web design is versatile enough to quickly adapt to other niches and industries.

Industry is a complete solution for engineering the best website for your company. From a well thought out home page to all other inner sections, Industry delivers all the needed and quite a bunch more. You will find practical web elements, blog, request a quote form and a nifty gallery all neatly packed into one powerful template.

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Horse Club

Horse club free template

You see, I told you there is something for every taste in this bundle of free business website templates. Here is one that is entirely exclusive to horse clubs and breeding called, Horse Club. In the majority of cases, we try and keep the names of our templates as straightforward as possible. This way, you know immediately what you can expect, all the rest is only a sweet treat that will have you hooked forever.

Horse Club is a Bootstrap template with a minimal and to the point design. It supports video presentations, comes with pricing tables and rocks a valuable appointment form. Besides, Horse Club does not shy away from you, altering and adjusting it and incorporating your branding into it. Use the template freely and make it push your horse clubs above and beyond and start seeing incredible results shortly after the site launch.

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Glint is a super neat HMTL5 template with a focus on digital agencies. Creatives, freelancers, photographers and all others in the creative field can use it for their websites. But in general, all small businesses will find Glint a fit for their needs. The first thing you will notice is the level of features and “special effects” it has. For a second you might wonder are you really checking the free responsive template for small businesses. You are! Sometimes, free does not mean lack of features and possibilities. There is a ton that you can do with Glint template that you might uncover only well building with it.

The big G is mobile-friendly and retina ready what makes it ideal for all the new-tech web browsers. Mobile and tablet users will have a blast investigating your business website. The cool animated stats and each section appearing smoothly on the scroll, Glint truly is an attention-grabber. Along with all the much-needed sections, like services and features, the tool also has a superb portfolio and fully working contact form. All-in-all, Glint is a versatile and free product which will help you with crafting the ideal site. Are you ready to begin?

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Transcend Free Template

What do startups need to have on their websites to succeed as successful online ventures? For the most part it’s vital that a startup website can convey all of the vital business and software information within a single landing page; homepage. The Transcend HTML5 template can certainly cover those aspects with ease. A big trend in startup websites is using the main header area for showing a fullscreen image and outlining the purpose of your software in a single sentence, Transcend is built on such approaches and lets you specify both a background image and also a description of it. In the header you can put the signup button, and also links to your most crucial pages, like features, pricing, about your startup, contact page.

Transcend has several production ready widgets available for talking about the most important points of your business and software, and if you’re for example a company that builds website builder software, you can use the portfolio part to show the kind of sites that people have built in the past using your platform; extra points for trust. Client feedback and latest blog posts widgets ensure that those who visit your website can stay up to date with how your business works, and how other people see it. Pricing template at the bottom is the perfect position to outline all your available pricing plans, their appropriate benefits, and the actual price. Footer area is wide and gives even more opportunities to list important links and information.

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Bright and shiny, that is what Dinomuz template for small businesses is all about. If you sincerely want to stand out from the crowd, you need to ensure a strong first impression. You simply need. However, with any of our free businesses website templates, that is something you will not have a struggle with. No matter which you choose, your online appearance will be one to remember and the experience an unforgettable one. Instead of figuring out the exact approach to take when it comes to bringing about the wanted page, use what is already available. Not only that, each template you find in this collection comes with a preview, so you get a better understanding what is possible with it.

Like with all the rest, Dinomuz saves you time regarding developing and designing your biz site. Install it for free and put it to use right away. Change the info and the next time you notice, you have a working website ready for the release to the online world. Boxed layout, warm, sunset-like colors, work showcase slider and newsletter subscription box, there is a lot you get with Dinomuz. Bring your web presence to another level in next to no time.

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With your unreal creativity, you can reach beyond expectations easily. But why am I even saying this? It is important that you never feel limited in your life. You are the only limitation. And if you need help to unlock a whole new horizon of possibilities for yourself, find inspiration in these best free small business website templates. Heck, use them to build your very own page with them. Make your work look even more professional than it already is. One of such templates that will help you reach expert levels when it comes to web design is Go Crepe.

You might be a photographer, an SEO firm or a local business, Go Crepe template takes care of your needs and requirements with ease. Capture visitors’ attention with an awesome slider, tell them why you are the best and show your completed projects. Go Crepe allows you to display logos of the companies you worked or still are. Show the world that you are a real deal in the industry you are in. And no one will even need to think twice to get in touch with you for business or at least sign up for your newsletter. Send them one or three compelling emails and win them over 100%.

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Whether you develop apps for others or you are about to launch your own one, if you need a website built to showcase your work or product, MobApp template is all you need. It is a free solution which will treat you and your masterpiece right. From header to footer, MobApp has all you need to inspire others, arouse their curiosity and make them take action. That could be getting in touch with you to build them an application or downloading your own invention. For your information, a download button is highlighted in the main menu section so users can also have a quick access to download and install the app at any time. MobApp comes with a sticky menu, so the CTA does not get anywhere even when one-third deep into your website.

Display the fantastic features of your products and completed projects and screenshots of the app in use. Do you already have a number of customers who reviewed your app? If so, share their testimonials and build trust. Pricing and FAQ, contact and social icons, it is all included in the free small business website template, MobApp. Get the most out of it and increase project deals, downloads and sales with MobApp.

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Online or local small businesses will be impressed by the level of elegance and professionalism they get with Creative Agency. Judging only by its name, CA is for creative and digital agencies of nearly any kind you can imagine. But Creative Agency template goes way beyond that. With a few tweaks, not needed to be technical, you can use it for any landing one page-like business site. Itu HTML5 template is easy to use, customizable and mobile ready. Knowing that more and more people are using their mobile devices to search the web, it is a must to have a responsive website. Even Google will rank your page lover if it is not adaptable.

Massive, full-screen header with text and CTAs is the first thing your guests will see. Attract them with something outstanding, so they will not be able to leave early rather continue digging deeper and deeper into your website. White, blue and black are the color of Creative Agency template with nice and appealing hover effects. Portfolio pushes your work forward in the cleanest and most elegant way. No distractions, no nothing. Only pure enjoyment. And if you would like to start writing a journal, Creative Agency has an entire blog built into the layout.

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Saas free template

SaaS is the perfect free solution for everyone running or thinking of starting a software as a service business. It helps you gain exposure for your product, expand your user base and, of course, grow your company. As expected, the layout of SaaS is contemporary, clean and stylish, with all the sections to push your work and get others to access it. They can do it using their smartphones, tablets or laptops since SaaS is 100% responsive.

Some of the key features of SaaS are full-screen banner, sticky and transparent menu, video support, pricing tables and nice hover effects. Make your software shine online with SaaS and enjoy it flourish. When you put the work in, it is very likely that you will witness the success and reach the goals you set yourself to attain.

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For one-page sites, Drimo could not be a better tool for you to use. It is a free business website template with a whopping eleven home page designs which cover quite a decent amount of niches. From mobile app and hosting to professional repairing services and product showcase, Drimo can do as many pages as you would like. The features and the remarkable performance are there, you only need to put the available to use.

Wow your visitors and potential users and customers with something novel, following all the latest web and tech trends. Drimo is a Bootstrap template the gives you close to as many options as a premium tool offers you. Yes, that amazing Drimo is! But there is loads more to it that will bring your business to the entirely new level.

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Robotics free template

Robotos are becoming more and more popular but those with the artificial intelligence sure are the future. That said, if you are part of the industry, offering innovative solutions, Robotics is the free business website template for you to take to your advantage. We made it as clean and modern as possible, with a fine selection of colors to spice up the experience and make it a notable one. There is a ton you can do with Robotics by using it out of the box.

However, do not hold yourself back and incorporate your individual touch to it and customize Robotics however you see the best fit. The tool is simple to use and will help you create the outcome in the shortest space of time. Attention grabbing banner, cracking hover effects, video support and a multi-level drop-down menu are a few of the exceptional assets of Robotics. It is now or never to expand your reach and give more people approach you for business.

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CallCenter free business website template

It is no other than CallCenter free business website template that provides you the necessities for sorting out a web space for your communication services. It is a cutting edge and straightforward item with an appealing web design that will keep your potential customers for longer. Once they get familiar with what you can do for them, they will not mind using the contact form and get in touch with you, requesting a quote.

The web presence you are just short moments away from establishing with CallCenter will make your business get to the level you always wanted to go. All this calls for new clients and a ton of new opportunities that, prior site creation, you were far to be anywhere close to it. Have complete control of your website and your call center with CallCenter template.

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Agency free agency website template

Show your creativity across all platforms, mediums and other whatnots with Creative Agency. This free business website template is a killer one. It can cover those who are offering nothing but design to those providing marketing services and even a general business showcase. Creative Agency is a flexible item which is very adaptive not only to your projects but devices, too. Meaning, it is a mobile-ready template, working smoothly on smartphones, tablets and desktops.

Creative Agency sports a large banner with parallax effect, one-of-a-kind project slider, testimonials and Instagram feed widget. It has a one-page layout where visitors do not have to jump from page to page to learn more about your agency. Instead, you have all the information gathered on one location for their convenience. That’s that, now put your artistic mind to work and go heavy after building your page.

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For those in the creative field, no matter the services you offer, Fancy is the free template that handles everything for you. The full-width slider you can use for rotating images, texts or both simultaneously. Give them a quick glimpse at what you do and let them further investigate your service. And that is something what Fancy is exceptionally good at. Displaying your skills, your talent and all the rest that you bring to the table.

Animated skillbars, parallax effect and great details along with the modern web design guarantee an always amazing experience. The users can come from any device, using any web browser, and your page will always work and showcase your content seamlessly. By the way, Fancy also contains an active contact form and Google Maps so you can tell them exactly where your location is.

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Security free template

Companies offering security services are welcome to make a website with Security free business website template. If your page is old and outdated or you are new in the field, have a strong web presence at all times with Security. The site skin is effortless and straightforward to use, edit and turn into a working page. Give everyone a chance to known you better before they even hit you up on the phone or email.

Home page, team page, about us, blog and contact sections are all part of the Security kit. You do not have to build anything from scratch. Just use the practical elements of the tool, add your material and information and you might already be set for the launch. Things become exceptionally simple when you have the right set of ready-to-use tools at your fingertips. Well, Security is one of those tools.

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Sierra free template

Have an innovative and creative web space for your startup with Sierra. Everyone will be intrigued by your page thanks to this wondrous free business website template. Whether it is a product or a service that you focus on, Sierra has the capacity of handling all the projects and then some. It is clean, neat and organized with loads of outstanding features that will give your page something to chat about.

Not only will users love returning to find out what new you have available for them, Sierra is optimized in a way to turn as many visitors into new clients as possible. The user experience of Sierra is of the highest standards with a layout that is pliable and easily adjustable. Awesome progress bars and loaders, fantastic milestones, Instagram, newsletter, filterable portfolio and contact form, Sierra is heavily loaded with assets and elements.

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Mosh free template

Creative agencies, small business and even medium-sized firms, Mosh gives you a chance to stand out from the crowd. It does things in a unique way that will entice anyone and everyone that ever lands on your page. The free business website template is packed with practical components and an inventive web design that make you appear super professional on the internet. And the same goes for all devices and browsers. Mosh is mobile-ready and cross-browser compatible after all.

The front page of Mosh is a jaw-dropping one, sparking attention in all your page visitors. Other inner sections are also at your disposal to complete the site building task as quickly as possible. Do not forget, you can improve the design of the template and modify it however you fancy. Enjoy your journey to success with Mosh.

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BBS is a free template for small businesses and even professional individuals who would like to build their brand online. Not only that, but do it in such style others will envy. What is the best part of it is that creating a website does not require much of your effort. As a matter of fact, you will have it build in the speediest time ever. Download the free template and begin constructing your page straight away. Change the texts and images and you could be done already. Of course, you can do other adjustments, but that is not necessary if you are in a hurry. You only need to do the required and still reach the levels of professionals. It is all very possible with a powerful product like BBS is. You will notice the useful features that come close to what premium templates use.

If you would like to tell your history and what your future plans are, you can do it all with BBS. Did you put together a promotional YouTube video for your firm? BBS supports video embeds and makes them appear stunningly on your page. Also, would you like to build a newsletter list? Capture visitors’ emails easily with BBS’ integrated subscription box.

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You will not go wrong with Datarc template if you are a creative agency, a tech startup or even in need of a SaaS landing page. It is a stunning free template for small businesses with all the features for making your website one of the most terrific ones in your industry. Spending time to brainstorm the perfect web design for your page is not needed. Datarc is a polished template which will amaze you with its looks. But most importantly, it will help you construct a website that will wow your visitors and grow your business.

The amount of features you get with Datarc reaches beyond expectations. Especially when knowing it is a free business website template. Free does not always mean characteristics deficient. Datarc has many that will benefit you and the business or online project you want to forge a website for. It is a fullscreen template with a focus on strong first impression. Change the logo, add pictures, content and other whatnots and you can be ready to go live in little to no time. Full-width portfolio, team section and blog only add up to your overall web presence. Distinguishing from the competition with Datarc template will be easy.

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CA is an app landing page with a minimal and simplistic, yet modern, approach to web design. Developers of Android and iOS mobile applications do not have to search for a template to show their apps anymore. The template has all you need to promote the tool you put together which is a must have for all the mobile users. Besides, Ca App Landing is also for SaaS and a wide range of other technology related websites. Even for landing pages which are solely built for boosting sales. CA is an all-around free template that any small business can take to their advantage.

White with just the right amount of color to it to make it more tempting and attention grabbing. Sticky menu, hover effects, call-to-action buttons, video ember and a working contact form. Ca App Landing also has exclusive sections for features, screenshots, testimonials and team members. You can do magic with Ca App Landing. It is a one-page style of a template which you can use for showcasing your apps and make the downloads go uphill.

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Small and local businesses, all types of agencies and one-man-bands, Dup suits everyone who wants to go online with style and fashion. Creating a new website or freshening up the current one became a lot simpler. As far as the design goes, Dup has you covered with a fantastic one. It is bright and gorgeous with which you will not have a problem keeping visitors around for longer than normal. They will instantly be interested in learning more about your services and become your potential new customers. Display your achievements and let the awards and completed projects speak for the business.

But to reach their hearts, promotional video will definitely be a great addition to feature on your page. Indeed, free small business website template, Dup, supports embeds, too. However, a video will not ruin the looks of your page. It will smoothly blend into the design and appear in a popup when someone clicks on it. Excellent slider with swiping and horizontal navigation showcases your work and tells guests all about it. If you are a superstar on Instagram, you can also connect Dup with your profile and display a minimalistic Instafeed in the footer.
You might not see much going on in the first place when checking Dup’s preview, but you will soon see how much the template can do for you.

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Are you looking for a free website template with an innovative idea regarding the design? Look no further, Boxus template is the one product you need. While I might write all about it here, the best way to experience it is by checking the live preview. See Boxus in action yourself and be impressed by the awesomeness.

The first thing you notice is the full-width image with text and logo. The perfect opportunity to create something against the grain and convincing. Once they begin to scroll no one will leave unless their laptop battery dies out. Not only will the bright colors fill them with curiosity, but the left-right concept, too. Especially how each section is highlighted and moves along scrolling. Boxus brings to the table even more than just the fantastic design.

Your small business can now display all its features, services and work in an original way. With Boxus, you also get a pre-made contact form, social icons and an additional slider to showcase what you do. If peculiarity is your thing, Boxus is your free template of choice.

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In our collection of free small business website templates, you will undoubtedly find one, two or even more products that will help you build your pages. They range from clean and simple ones to more complex and artistic, the choice is yours. However, if there are several that you like, save yourself time and pick the one which is keeping things simple. Simplicity is always the winning solution when it comes to web design. The experience browsing your content will always be a flawless one, no distractions, no nothing.

One template which is somewhere in between the simplicity and complexity is Bobsled. While it has all the features to represent your small business in the best light, it is clean and minimal. The sky blue color enhances the overall experience and makes your website look even more sophisticated. Aside from that, your business will appear even more qualified to complete even the most challenging projects.

Bobsled is a free HTML5 template for startups, agencies and personal pages. Let it do its thing and help you grow your business above and beyond. Those interested in working with you can use the contact form that Bobsled comes fully equipped with. Use the template out of the box and see first results in the shortest space of time.

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There is plainness and there is ultimacy both mixed into one incredible free small business website template. No wonder why it is called Labs. Definitely an item that you should check out. But once you open the live preview, you might fall in love with the design in an instant. Labs is one of those templates that has you and your business fully sorted with all the necessary elements and then some. Building and expanding brand online will not be a problem with Labs. It will be a fun journey, that’s for sure.

Labs features a big slider that welcomes visitors with its arms wide open. With the menu and place for logo above and key characteristics of your business below the slider, everyone who visits your page has a clearer idea what you do without needing to scroll much. But whoever is interested in exploring your fresh page can enjoy the process by moving further down your page. Rich choice of colors, top-notch features and an overall jaw-dropping design is what Labs satisfies its users with.

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Impact is a free small business website template that any business can take to its advantage. With the one- and multi-page layouts, any site owner can find it fit perfectly. In a brief, Impact surely is a multi-functional template with loads of useful features. No matter what kind of a website you would like to assemble, you can do it quickly and efficiently with Impact. The template is powered by Bootstrap framework what makes it flexible and responsive to work with mobile devices and desktops. Every page that you bring into the online world with Impact will be responsive, following all the latest technologies.

Without a doubt, you will have a strong impact on your visitors and witness growth of your small business. Choose between full-screen home page header or slider to showcase your project. Promote stuff you do and the skills you and your team have. Speaking of team, Impact has an entire segment dedicated to the staff members with social media icons. The categorized portfolio allows visitors to find the type of work they want to see in a snap. You also get an entire blog section, integrated Google Maps and working drop-us-a-message form. Develop the exact same website for your small business that you always desired with Impact template.



When your business involves providing services to others, your best choice of a website template is going to be one that’s aimed at agencies and service businesses. The Frame theme could be your starting point for understanding how agency portfolios work online and how majority of agency websites are structured to cover the basic needs of such a website, and how to organize it so that customers can see the work that you do, the services you provide, and the kind of expertise you have in the field.

Frame has a minimal feel to it. The header is plain typography which straight away steers into the direction of your business portfolio that you can rearrange based on categories; show your customers what you are made of, and what kind of experiences you’ve had in the past. Following up that you have an individual section for actually discussing your services that are built as unique icon font grids, so you have a lot of room to make up the best short descriptions of what you provide to grab that attention. The menu at the top is a hamburger icon that is going to open a full-screen menu with available links, such as how to get in contact with you and anything else that’s vital for customers to know.



FreeHTML5 are true heroes in free and responsive HTML5 templates. They release free templates that have the design quality of expensive ones. A very famous business type arises in the fitness category. There are limitless potentials for many varieties and types of fitness exercises. You can use Trainer to customize and tailor your general gym or fitness club business. Right from the start, you have a full-width homepage layout that gives room for a business logo, links, full background image, and fitness gym value outline. A dynamic widget below the header allows you to show the kind of fitness classes that you provide, and users can select between different days of the week to see what is being offered on that specific day.

Below that, you can show an inspirational image or a quote to give your users that little boost of motivation, and get them to signup with your gym. Then down below that, you have a widget for displaying all your class and fitness programs, each can be tailored to show a little bit of description, and a link button for signing up, or perhaps for learning more. Your gym or fitness club instructors can get their individual profile widgets that can be amplified with their profile pictures, and once a user hovers the picture you can show their names, their expertise, a little info about themselves, and social media links. At the end you have the pricing tables module, and a widget for showing the latest posts from the blog. Footer includes contact information, a contact form submission form, and essential business information.

It’s amazing how beautiful the Trainer template is, it’s a work of art that won’t leave you disappointed.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Although free templates are often downloaded by thousands of people, it’s not so common to run into the same template twice; it isn’t. This gives you an advantage of having a unique design, optimized for your requirements that your startup requires. Unlock is yet another exceptional free HTML5 template that’s going to be a wonderful template to begin your startup website design. Unlcok in particular delivers a slightly more colorful experience, like colored font icons for example.

The testimonials widget is also neatly packed together, so you’re getting the absolute most of the homepage space that you’ve got to work with. A products showcase widget can be divided into different sizes images that show your products and then you can individually specify the information about each that will display once user hovers over each of the product photos. Latest blog posts can be shown at the bottom which is followed by a business style footer. Great for product startups, for small businesses that provide services, and agencies could easily adapt to the Unlock template too.



It’s likely that the main reason these templates have been so greatly designed and overall provide a very smooth business feel is that they’re built using Bootstrap, infused with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and SASS to strengthen the quality of these designs. Pixels has had nearly 4,000 downloads to date, and is page structured template ideal for businesses, portfolios and service-based agencies that need a new layer of quality for their website.

The homepage can adapt to a mobile application since the demo shows a mobile smartphone screen showcasing an example, but also shows that this theme Pixels is mobile responsive too. You have the main homepage, and other pages like Work, Services, About and Contact that have been individually styled with the same style. We’ve to agree to what it says at the bottom of Pixels template, that less is more, and this minimal yet crisp design is going to get the job done, and done it well.



The Initial template has a few parallax effects added to it, so you’re getting a pretty good deal for creating a project website that you wish to be simple and easy to navigate, yet with some infusion of dynamic effects like Parallax. We see Simple being a good fit for freelancers who run their small businesses. They just need a tiny online platform to outline their best work, rates, and services that they provide. Some extra pages in the template are available to help you diversify the number of content you show on the homepage. Download


Occasionally all your small business needs is a good landing page, and you can call it a day. Cachet is a powerful choice for your small business website needs. The layout colors might seem a little bit dark. But, you can navigate to the stylesheet and just change the colors as you prefer. You need to optimize the majority of these free responsive HTML5 templates for personal use anyway. Cachet has been downloaded a little over 180,000 times now. Yet, it’s difficult still to come across a business website that uses this exact template just like in the demo.

Cachet’s approach to listing information is Description & Picture, so on one side you have a picture, and on the other a description. Could very well work for photographers who wish to sell their photography online. Landed also offers a selection of layouts, with or without sidebars, and additional menus. Landed includes a choice of web elements to help you create more meaningful layouts, or specific pages for specific purposes. Think of it as a Bootstrap framework boilerplate, but with all the styling already done on your behalf.



Black is that one design that you see highly successful online businesses use, and that sort of is how Black is defined — a responsive HTML5 landing page template that’s built for the purpose of building up conversion rates through a graceful design. With its professional and crystal clear design, Black is a great pick for promoting products or services. The styling behind Black is responsive, is optimized for retina displays; so all your mobile and tablet users will get to experience that crystal crisp user experience.

Notable features include scrolling animations, so elements only open when you get to them through browsing. You can select from a collection of font icons to spice up individual design categories. You also have the ability to build your email list with a preconfigured MailChimp widget. If you have been planning a big product launch and want to jump straight into the process of generating leads, then Black is a template you won’t want to miss.


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