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BerandaTutorialWordpress Indonesia108 Template Situs Web Sederhana Gratis Berbasis HTML & CSS 2020

108 Template Situs Web Sederhana Gratis Berbasis HTML & CSS 2020

Siapa pun yang mencari awal cepat proyek online-nya, templat HTML sederhana gratis ini ialah alat yang sempurna untuk memulai. Tidak perlu melihat lebih jauh jika tampilan minimalis ialah yang Anda cari. Terkadang, menjaganya tetap sederhana ialah cara yang harus ditempuh. Tidak ada kekacauan, tidak ada gangguan. Langsung saja konten luar biasa yang membantu Anda menarik pengunjung baru ke situs Anda. Jika Anda berencana untuk mempromosikan pekerjaan serta layanan Anda, ini ialah metode yang sempurna untuk meningkatkan bisnis Anda. Kehadiran online yang dibangun untuk kesempurnaan.

Koleksi fantastis templat HTML sederhana untuk mempercepat prosedur desain web Anda serta memastikan hasil yang sangat baik. Dengan templat situs web yang siap digunakan, Anda dapat menyiapkan situs web statis atau dinamis yang berfungsi penuh dengan cepat. serta bahkan jika Anda seorang pemula, Anda masih dapat mencapai tingkat profesionalisme yang sama. Namun, memiliki dasar-dasar murni HTML serta CSS sangat membantu.

Desain web modern cenderung bersih serta minimal. Walaupun semua barang mewah mungkin terlihat keren, itu tidak memiliki dampak terbaik pada pengalaman pengguna secara keseluruhan. Plus, mungkin itu menyebabkan situs web Anda memuat lambat. Di zaman sekarang ini, ketika orang menggunakan ponsel mereka untuk menjelajahi web, mereka pergi lebih awal jika situs web tidak memuat dengan benar. Jangan menjadi pemilik situs yang kehilangan lalu lintas serta bisnis potensial karena waktu buka yang lambat. Nikmati serta manfaatkan templat HTML sederhana gratis terbaik kami untuk membuat situs web yang dipoles.

“Kesederhanaan ialah kemuliaan ekspresi.” – Walt Whitman

Kami telah mendaftarkan beberapa tema serta templat premium sederhana di bawah ini tetapi Anda dapat langsung beralih ke templat HTML sederhana gratis dengan mengklik di sini.

Pembuat Situs Web Wix

Pembuat situs web terbaik untuk situs web sederhana serta indah! Ini paling mudah serta salah satu cara termurah untuk membangun situs web yang berfungsi penuh tanpa memiliki pengalaman sebelumnya dengan desain atau pengembangan web.


Divi (WordPress)

Sementara Divi ialah kanvas situs web multi-fungsi yang kuat, menawarkan banyak pilihan, Anda masih bisa tetap sederhana serta to the point. Dengan tata letak serta komponen yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, Anda dapat membuat situs web yang menakjubkan, bersih, serta minimal untuk target apa pun yang Anda inginkan.

Baik Anda membuat blog, restoran, konsultasi, medis, atau situs web eCommerce, dengan Divi, opsinya tidak terbatas. Perlu diingat, Divi hadir dengan lebih dari seratus paket situs web lengkap di luar kotak. Ini tentunya memberi tahu Anda lebih dari cukup tentang Divi.

Tetapi masih ada lagi.

Divi juga mempraktikkan semua tren serta regulasi pengembangan web modern. Dengan kata lain, halaman Anda bakal beroperasi sepanjang waktu dengan sempurna, terlepas dari perangkat serta browser yang mereka gunakan. Itu saja, memiliki kebebasan penuh ketika datang untuk memalu halaman dengan Divi terkemuka.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh

Jevelin (WordPress)

Ketika Anda ingin membuat hal-hal sederhana serta menarik bagi mata, yang Anda butuhkan ialah Jevelin. Skin page yang canggih serta banyak akal ini dikemas dengan luar biasa yang dapat Anda manfaatkan sepenuhnya.

Pertama, pilih dari lebih dari tiga puluh demo yang telah ditentukan serta pergi dari sana. Jevelin mencakup semua jenis industri serta ceruk untuk kenyamanan Anda. Dengan kata lain, tidak perlu mulai membuat halaman dari awal lagi ketika Jevelin sudah melakukan sebagian besar pekerjaan untuk Anda.

Fasilitas tambahan termasuk pembuat halaman seret serta lepas WPBakery, WooCommerce, Formulir Kontak 7, Slider Revolution serta empat puluh kode pendek yang dibuat khusus. Anda dapat tetap berpegang pada tampilan tata letak default atau Anda dapat memperbaikinya dengan kesederhanaan proses tanpa kode. Anda bisa mendapatkan proyek Anda dengan berjalan kaki dengan situs web yang luar biasa cepat, berkat bundel materi yang dibawa Jevelin ke meja.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh

Shapely (WordPress)

Mari kita mulai dengan template kami yang kuat serta sederhana untuk WordPress, Shapely. Ini ialah alat yang dapat melakukan banyak hal untuk Anda. Selain itu, Anda dapat mengunduhnya segera, seperti, sekarang, serta mulai menggunakannya segera. Hasil pertama, Anda bakal saksikan, hanya sekitar satu menit setelah digunakan. Shapely ialah templat yang mudah digunakan serta bahkan lebih sederhana untuk dikelola serta dipelihara.

Ketika Anda membutuhkan untuk membuat tampilan desain web yang minimal serta bersih, Shapely pasti dapat membantu Anda melakukannya. Faktanya, demo standar Shapely sudah cukup sederhana, namun pada saat yang sama super profesional. Anda mungkin ingin mengubah sedikit, ketuk dengan kepribadian Anda serta Anda siap untuk ditayangkan. Yap, ketika Anda menjaga hal-hal sederhana, hasilnya dapat tersedia dalam sekejap.

Unduh Pratinjau

Template HTML Sederhana Gratis


Template HTML sederhana GRATIS

Pendaratan tidak lain ialah templat situs web satu halaman yang sempurna untuk hampir semua jenis halaman pendaratan. Di luar kotak, Anda mungkin menemukan Landing solusi terbaik untuk menampilkan aplikasi seluler, namun, Anda dapat dengan cepat mengubahnya ke produk serta layanan lain. Bagaimanapun, Landing ialah kanvas situs web yang super sederhana untuk digunakan dengan desain web yang sederhana serta mudah. Di atas semua itu, itu olahraga semua teknologi terbaru serta didasarkan pada Bootstrap 4.

Beberapa fitur luar biasa dari Landing ialah gulir halus, akordeon, tabel harga, serta formulir pendaftaran yang bagus. Navigasi yang lengket serta juga termasuk tombol ajakan untuk bertindak yang menawarkan pengguna untuk mengambil tindakan kapan pun mereka mau tanpa perlu gulir kembali ke atas. Dorong proyek cerdik Anda, sebarkan berita serta tingkatkan potensi Anda.



Template Makanan Gratis

Bahkan ketika menyangkut bisnis makanan, kesederhanaan menang di sebagian besar kasus. serta ketika Anda sedang dalam proses membuat situs web, tidak perlu terlalu rumit, gunakan Makanan saja. Template situs web gratis sederhana ini sangat menarik bagi mata, memberikan pengalaman yang mengejutkan yang bakal membantu Anda memenangkan lebih banyak pelanggan. Juga, ini ialah templat situs web satu halaman yang menawarkan ikhtisar cepat serta pemesanan tabel cepat. Tidak perlu melompat dari halaman ke halaman lagi, seluruh presentasi restoran Anda atau bisnis makanan lainnya hanya berjarak beberapa gulungan saja.

Tata letak Meal juga 100% responsif serta kompatibel dengan browser, memastikan stabilitas serta kinerja terbaik. Meskipun alat ini sudah terlihat sangat minimalis, mudah memenuhi selera yang berbeda, Anda juga dapat memberi merek serta mempersonalisasi Makanan jika perlu.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh

Memberi harapan

Template GiveHope Gratis

GiveHope ialah solusi bagus ketika Anda mencari templat situs web sederhana gratis untuk membangun situs web organisasi amal atau nirlaba. Pertama serta terutama, penampilan GiveHope sangat premium, berkat desain yang indah serta semua fitur yang sangat banyak. Selain itu, GiveHope juga menampilkan semua tren serta regulasi modern, menjamin kinerja kelas satu di semua perangkat serta browser web yang populer. Belum lagi, Anda juga bakal menemukan template HTML ini mudah digunakan, berkat penataannya yang menakjubkan.

Beberapa barang termasuk efek paralaks, animasi, navigasi lengket, bentuk untuk menjadi sukarelawan serta korsel untuk target serta penggalangan dana. Anda juga dapat membuat galeri yang memesona, memulai blog, serta menulis halaman tentang hal ini. Bagian kontak dengan formulir yang berfungsi serta Google Maps juga merupakan bagian dari permata ini untuk Anda manfaatkan.

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Templat Gratis Phozogy

Ketika Anda ingin menekankan proyek fotografi Anda, terutama karya itu sendiri, Anda lebih baik memilih Phozogy. Template situs web sederhana gratis ini menjanjikan portofolio online yang luar biasa yang dapat Anda sesuaikan dengan gaya tanda tangan Anda dengan tepat. Tidak masalah apakah Anda seorang pro atau fotografer amatir, Phozogy ialah untuk keduanya, meningkatkan potensi Anda melalui atap. Lagi pula, mengapa Anda tidak ingin berbagi karya Anda dengan dunia serta mengekspos diri Anda? Ubah gairah Anda menjadi bisnis.

Terlebih lagi, sebagai bagian dari kit Phozogy, Anda mendapatkan banyak fasilitas yang menciptakan hasil yang bakal sangat menakjubkan. Dari penggeser lebar penuh, ajakan bertindak serta portofolio yang dikategorikan ke komidi putar, tombol media sosial, harga, serta beberapa halaman dalam, Phozogy mengguncang semuanya untuk kenyamanan Anda. Sekarang ialah kesempatan Anda untuk bersinar online dengan kehadiran online yang berdampak yang bakal memalingkan kepala, terima kasih pada Phozogy.

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Template HTML Gratis Pribadi

Nama templat situs web gratis sederhana kami berikutnya memberi Anda petunjuk tentang apa yang dimaksudkan untuk digunakan. Pribadi tidak lain ialah alat yang luar biasa untuk membangun portofolio pribadi untuk freelancer serta individu kreatif. Kembangkan kehadiran web yang begitu menggoda, mereka tidak bakal dapat meninggalkannya tanpa menghubungi Anda. Tentu saja, bakat serta keterampilan Anda juga penting, tetapi dikombinasikan dengan tampilan Pribadi, Anda menang kali besar.

Ceritakan pada dunia mengapa Anda suka rock, membagikan layanan Anda, serta menggunakan statistik animasi untuk menunjukkan proyek serta cangkir kopi yang Anda minum selama bekerja. Portofolio minimal serta indah dilengkapi dengan filter untuk mereka yang tertarik bekerja dengan Anda untuk secara instan menemukan apa yang mereka cari. Bagikan umpan balik klien Anda serta tunjukkan harga agar mereka mendapatkan ide yang lebih baik tentang apa yang diharapkan saat membeli paket tertentu.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Buat Template Gratis

Tidak perlu dikatakan lagi, Create ialah templat situs web sederhana gratis yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh materi iklan. Selain itu, Buat memiliki desain situs web satu halaman, sehingga Anda dapat menampilkan semua informasi serta konten pada satu halaman. Singkatnya, semua detail bakal tinggal beberapa gulungan saja. Heck, dengan penggunaan navigasi yang nyaman, siapa pun dapat melompat ke bagian yang diinginkan hanya dengan satu klik. serta jika Anda ingin pergi seluk-beluk, gunakan menu drop-down di masa depan.

Beberapa fasilitas Buat lainnya ialah efek paralaks serta mesin tik, header lengket, galeri menakjubkan serta testimonial untuk membangun loyalitas pelanggan. Sajikan tim Anda, mulai blog, tautkan halaman Anda ke akun media sosial Anda serta tawarkan semua orang untuk berkomunikasi menggunakan formulir kontak. Untuk desain yang disederhanakan serta kreatif, Buat ialah satu.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Template Gratis Ogani

Saat menjual produk secara online, Anda ingin menjaga desain tetap bersih serta sederhana, menjadikan semua kilau pada apa yang Anda miliki. Ketika datang ke sayuran, buah-buahan, suplemen, serta makanan lain yang ingin Anda iklankan di internet, wujudkan dengan Ogani. Template situs web sederhana gratis ini dilengkapi dengan banyak fitur praktis, serta tata letak halaman internal serta halaman rumah yang berbeda. Bukan rahasia lagi bahwa setiap orang bakal bersenang-senang menelusuri produk Anda serta menyelesaikan pembelian.

Korsel, bilah teratas, ikon media sosial, produk unggulan yang dapat disaring, sebut saja, Ogani memiliki banyak hal yang terjadi untuk kenyamanan Anda. Jika Anda ingin mencantumkan pengaturan default Ogani, harap lakukan (biarkan hak cipta tetap utuh). Selain itu, Anda juga dapat berbagi kiat serta trik tentang segala hal yang terkait dengan kesehatan serta organik dengan memulai blog.

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Template Gratis FoodeiBlog

Desain sederhana, konten yang memikat, itulah yang terjadi ketika datang ke FoodeiBlog. Template situs web sederhana yang luar biasa, menarik, serta trendi ini ialah solusi ideal untuk – karena itu namanya – semua blogger makanan di luar sana. Jika Anda ingin berbagi pengalaman restoran Anda, resep Anda, ulasan makanan Anda, apa pun, lakukan dengan gaya serta mode dengan FoodeiBlog yang menakjubkan. Template ini ringan serta mudah digunakan, memastikan Anda mendapatkan hasil maksimal tanpa keringat.

Perlu diingat, FoodeiBlog ialah templat HTML yang memang membutuhkan pekerjaan tambahan untuk mengubahnya menjadi situs web yang aktif. Selain itu, kulit situs memberikan banyak barang, meskipun sepenuhnya gratis. Mulailah online dengan maha karya blog makanan, terima kasih pada FoodeiBlog serta semua fitur serta fungsi, yang telah tersedia untuk Anda praktikkan.

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Portofolio Pribadi

Template Gratis PersonalPortfolio

Di zaman sekarang ini, Anda tidak perlu memulai dari awal ketika membangun portofolio pribadi. Alih-alih, pilih PersonalPortfolio, templat situs web gratis sederhana yang bakal membantu Anda mempercepat proses. Muncul dengan desain yang bersih serta minimal yang bakal memajang semua serta semua yang ingin Anda bagikan dengan dunia dalam cahaya terbaik. Tidak perlu dikatakan, kesederhanaan serta kreativitas PersonalPortfolio bakal membuat Anda ingin menggunakan alat persis seperti yang ada di luar kotak. Silakan lakukan. Di sisi lain, jika Anda ingin mempersonalisasikannya, Anda disambut.

Ajakan bertindak, navigasi tempel, portofolio yang dapat disaring, testimonial, serta tombol kembali ke atas ialah beberapa fitur yang bakal Anda temukan di bundel PersonalPortfolio. Jadikan milik Anda sekarang serta mulailah dari web yang kuat di seluruh dunia, tingkatkan potensi Anda terus menerus.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Template Gratis Anipat

Ketika Anda menggabungkan kata-kata "binatang" serta "hewan peliharaan" Anda mendapatkan Anipat. Nama itu sendiri mungkin tidak memberi tahu Anda banyak, namun, setelah Anda mulai menyelidiki templat situs web sederhana gratis ini, semuanya berubah. Ini ialah titik awal yang luar biasa untuk membuahkan hasil yang bakal menampilkan layanan Anda dengan indah. Berbicara tentang layanan, Anipat sangat cocok untuk apa pun, mulai dari perawatan hewan peliharaan serta perawatan hingga hotel serta klinik hewan, Anda tidak bakal kesulitan mengubahnya untuk kebutuhan serta peraturan Anda.

Tata letak Anipat juga 100% mobile-ready serta cross-browser, memastikan stabilitas serta kinerja terbaik. Dalam kit, Anda mendapatkan semua suguhan praktis yang bakal membantu Anda naik lebih cepat daripada nanti. Mulai dari nol pasti terasa sangat kuno saat ini; pilih Anipat saja.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Template Grunt Gratis

Kesederhanaan yang dipadukan dengan kreativitas membuat Grunt menjadi salah satu templat situs web gratis. Ini ialah alternatif yang hebat jika Anda mencari alat yang tepat yang bakal membantu menciptakan kehadiran online untuk agensi Anda atau bisnis lepas. Anda sekarang dapat memasarkan diri Anda di internet dengan cara yang benar dengan menggunakan Grunt serta semua spesialisasi berbeda yang ada di toko untuk Anda. Selain itu, Anda tidak perlu repot tentang respons serta kompatibilitas browser, Grunt hadir dengan semua aspek teknologi yang diperlukan.

Fitur-fiturnya termasuk slider layar terpisah, efek hover, elemen lengket, testimonial klien, galeri serta formulir kontak. Omong-omong, Grunt menawarkan Anda untuk membangun situs web satu halaman, sehingga semua orang mempelajari semua tentang proyek Anda dengan cepat. Dengan Grunt, hasilnya bakal sangat fenomenal.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Template Gratis Seos

Seos ialah templat situs web gratis yang menakjubkan yang telah dirancang serta dikembangkan oleh tim kami untuk kenyamanan Anda. Jika Anda seorang konsultan SEO yang terampil atau menjalankan agensi pemasaran dengan Seos, Anda sekarang dapat menjadikannya sebagai halaman terkemuka untuk memasarkan layanan Anda berulang-ulang. Dengan situs web yang dipikirkan dengan matang, Anda dapat menjangkau klien dari seluruh dunia, tidak hanya berfokus pada audiens lokal Anda. Seos menangani desain yang mencolok yang bakal memicu minat semua orang tanpa keraguan.

Seiring dengan bagian desain, Seos juga dilengkapi dengan banyak fitur hebat yang membutuhkan kinerja situs yang luar biasa serta pengalaman yang tak terlupakan. Selain itu, apakah mereka menggunakan perangkat seluler atau desktop, serta peramban web populer apa pun, Seos selalu memastikan untuk mengubah serta membentuk kembali ke layar serta platform secara instan.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Template Gratis Buson

Buson ialah templat situs web gratis sederhana yang dapat digunakan pemilik bisnis untuk menempa kehadiran doping online. Dengan Buson, Anda dapat memajang bisnis, layanan, serta semua detail serta informasi lain yang ingin Anda bagikan dengan klien yang ada serta potensial. Berkat kesederhanaan serta kebersihan Buson, alat ini dapat digunakan untuk semua jenis proyek.

Dengan banyak fitur serta fungsi, Buson menjanjikan Anda untuk memulai di internet dengan keras. Di dalam kit, Anda bakal menemukan slider, ajakan bertindak, tombol media sosial, bilah atas, navigasi tempel, tombol kembali ke atas serta testimonial. Tata letak halaman internal yang berbeda, blog, Google Maps, formulir kontak serta menu drop-down ialah beberapa tambahan yang diberikan Buson. Dapatkan Buson Anda sekarang serta mulai sesuatu yang baru hanya dengan mengklik tombol unduh.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Templat Aznews Gratis

Ketika dalam proses membangun majalah online atau situs web surat kabar, Aznews ialah templat sederhana gratis yang bakal membuat bola bergulir. Alih-alih memulai dengan desain serta fungsi lain dari awal, kini Anda dapat memanfaatkan Aznews secara total. Tentu, ini mungkin templat HTML, namun, ia hadir dengan segerombolan barang yang bakal membantu Anda menghemat waktu serta energi. Juga, apakah Anda sedang membangun ceruk atau halaman berita umum, dengan Aznews, Anda dapat melakukan semuanya serta kemudian beberapa.

Tata letak Aznews 100% mobile-ready serta responsif, bekerja pada smartphone, tablet, serta mentega desktop dengan lancar. Ini juga siap-retina serta lintas-browser, juga. Beberapa tambahan termasuk komidi putar, tombol kembali ke atas, navigasi mengambang, penempatan iklan, serta formulir kontak yang berfungsi. Nikmati berbagi berita dengan dunia, terima kasih pada Aznews.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Bayangkan Template Gratis

Mengapa mengacaukan situs web Anda dengan hal-hal yang tidak perlu untuk mengalihkan perhatian pengunjung serta membuatnya pergi? Saya tahu, benar, kita seharusnya tidak merinci mengapa itu tidak perlu. Alih-alih, pilih templat situs web sederhana gratis dengan desain bersih serta minimal, seperti Imagine. Apakah Anda mengoperasikan bisnis, agensi atau Anda ialah freelancer, dengan Imagine, Anda dapat membangun kehadiran online yang bakal menginspirasi semua orang. Naikkan potensi Anda ke tingkat berikutnya serta buat perbedaan sekarang. Kombinasi layanan luar biasa Anda dengan tampilan luar biasa Imagine bakal membawa Anda sangat jauh.

Selain itu, Imagine juga menghadirkan cukup banyak fitur yang bakal Anda manfaatkan. Tidak hanya itu, ia juga mempraktikkan semua tren serta peraturan terbaru dari web modern, memastikan kinerja selalu dari tingkat tertinggi.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


template gratisan

Ketika dalam proses mendirikan situs web agen atau bisnis, yang Anda butuhkan hanyalah Neos. Templat situs web gratis sederhana ini bakal membuat Anda berputar sedikit atau tidak ada waktu. Bahkan, cukup tekan tombol unduh serta Anda sudah bisa mulai mendapat manfaat dari tumpukan barang yang Neos sediakan untuk Anda. Meski demikian, Neos ialah "hanya" template HTML yang membutuhkan pengalaman untuk mengubahnya menjadi produk akhir yang bakal membantu meningkatkan skala bisnis Anda ke ketinggian baru. Di sisi lain, Anda tidak harus memulai dari awal, melainkan menikmati desain serta menjadikannya milik Anda.

Neos hadir dengan struktur kotak yang 100% mobile-friendly serta kompatibel dengan browser. Ia juga bekerja dengan kejernihan kristal pada layar retina! Untuk melengkapi semuanya, Neos menyertakan slider besar, pada pemuatan konten gulir, efek paralaks, menu drop-down multi-level serta tombol ajakan bertindak.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Templat Gratis Indah

Jika Anda ingin membumbui sesuatu dengan situs web yang menampilkan latar belakang video, Anda lebih baik memilih Scenic. Alat yang bagus ini ialah yang Anda butuhkan untuk mempercepat proses serta membuat perbedaan langsung. Bahkan jika Anda menggunakan Scenic dengan tepat bagaimana hasilnya, Anda memiliki situs web kelas satu yang siap ditayangkan serta menarik calon prospek. Tak perlu dikatakan, Anda juga dapat memberi merek serta mempersonalisasikan penampilan default serta membiarkan Scenic mengguncang gaya Anda.

Scenic ialah alternatif obat bius yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk membangun situs web untuk agen, bisnis kecil, atau freelancer. Ini mencakup semua fitur serta bagian yang harus dimiliki yang memerlukan pengaturan cepat halaman grade-A. Beberapa spesialisasi berisi portofolio yang dapat difilter, tombol kembali ke atas, bagian blog serta halaman kontak dengan formulir operasi.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Bacait Template Gratis

Readit ialah templat situs web gratis sederhana untuk semua blogger di luar sana. Jika Anda mencari sesuatu yang berbeda, lebih baik Anda tidak melewatkan membaca dampak. Dengan desain web yang berani serta menarik, Readit memastikan pengalaman yang mematikan saat menelusuri konten. Itu dengan mudah menangkap perhatian semua orang serta membawanya dalam perjalanan melalui konten Anda yang meyakinkan. Tampilan Readit yang agak minimal memastikan pengalaman bebas gangguan.

Terlebih lagi, Readit mempraktikkan semua tren serta peraturan terbaru. Dengan kata lain, alat ini 100% mobile-ready, cross-browser kompatibel serta selaras dengan layar retina. Templat ini juga ringan, memastikan kinerjanya paling tinggi. Terakhir namun tidak kalah pentingnya, Readit menyertakan Google Maps serta formulir kontak fungsional, menawarkan Anda untuk menghemat lebih banyak waktu.

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Template Gratis Musico

Musico ialah templat situs web gratis serta sederhana yang eksklusif untuk musisi, band, serta artis. Jika Anda ingin menyebarkan berita serta membagikan lagu Anda pada dunia, buat halaman dengan Musico. Ini ialah desain web modern, bersih serta asli yang bakal menciptakan hasil terbaik tanpa kerumitan. Setidaknya ketika datang ke bagian desain situs web Anda, itu ialah sesuatu yang tidak perlu Anda pikirkan lagi. Biarkan Musico mengatasinya untuk kenyamanan Anda.

ada lebih banyak lagi.

Musico menampilkan pemain, menu tarik-turun, navigasi yang lekat, galeri yang luar biasa serta ikon yang diperlukan untuk menghubungkan situs web Anda dengan akun media sosial Anda. Berbagai elemen yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya, bagian blog, formulir kontak yang berfungsi serta tata letak yang lancar ialah semua suguhan lain dari Musico.

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Template Nitro Gratis

Nitro ialah templat situs web sederhana gratis dengan struktur satu halaman untuk agensi serta freelancer. Bahkan, terlepas dari usaha kreatif Anda, Anda dapat dengan bebas mengambil Nitro untuk keuntungan Anda serta mengubahnya menjadi situs web fungsional. Tampilannya sangat memikat serta menarik bagi mata, memastikannya mudah memenuhi kebutuhan serta peraturan Anda. Namun, jika Anda ingin melakukan penyesuaian kustomisasi tambahan, Anda juga dapat melakukannya.

Navigasi lengket, menu drop-down multi-level, portofolio yang dikategorikan, testimonial, serta tabel harga ialah beberapa fitur yang Anda dapatkan dengan Nitro. Ada juga formulir kontak fungsional serta bagian blog, serta ikon media sosial. Jika Anda siap untuk membawa bisnis Anda ke tingkat yang berbeda, Anda sebaiknya tidak mengintip Nitro yang luar biasa.

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Papan Pekerjaan 2

Template Gratis Jobboard2

Papan Pekerjaan 2 – maka namanya – ialah templat situs web gratis untuk membuat papan kerja serta platform daftar. Dengan tampilan yang bersih, sederhana, serta minimal, Job Board 2 memastikan pengalaman yang menyenangkan serta mengesankan dalam menelusuri konten yang disajikan pada calon atasan atau karyawan. Heck, jika Anda berencana untuk fokus pada freelancer secara eksklusif, dengan segala cara, biarkan Dewan Pekerjaan 2 melakukan triknya. Anda dapat menggunakan desain apa adanya, namun, Anda dapat mengubahnya sesuai dengan selera Anda juga.

Fitur dari Job Board 2 sangat banyak. Dari navigasi yang jelas serta transparan serta ajakan bertindak hingga testimonial, tombol sosial, serta Google Maps, Papan Kerja 2 menampilkan semuanya serta banyak lagi. Tata letaknya ramah-mobile serta lancar, memastikan kinerjanya kelas satu di semua perangkat. Mulai sesuatu yang baru tanpa membangunnya dari bawah ke atas, terima kasih pada Job Board 2.

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Templat Dogger Gratis

Dogger ialah templat situs web gratis sederhana yang melayani segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan anjing. Selain itu, Anda dapat mengubah alat ini ke proyek hewan peliharaan lainnya tanpa harus berkeringat. Karena kebersihan serta minimalis desain, Dogger langsung beradaptasi dengan segala macam niat serta sasaran. Bagaimanapun, itu ialah konten yang menentukan target situs web serta itu ialah sesuatu yang bakal Anda kuasai tanpa hambatan.

Beberapa fitur Dogger berisi memuat konten gulir, paket harga, slider testimonial, galeri, serta formulir kontak. Yang juga bakal Anda perhatikan ialah bahwa Dogger menggunakan struktur satu halaman, jadi semua orang mempelajari semua tentang layanan Anda, pelatih, serta yang lainnya hanya dalam beberapa gulungan. Mulailah di internet dengan ledakan dengan memanfaatkan Dogger terkemuka sekarang – hanya dengan sekali klik!

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Template Gratis Logistico

Logistico tidak hanya mudah digunakan, tetapi desain alat ini juga sederhana serta minimalis. Ini ialah templat situs web gratis untuk transportasi serta logistik, tersedia untuk Anda praktikkan. Anda dapat menggunakan Logistico di luar kotak serta menggunakannya persis seperti apa adanya. Di sisi lain, Anda juga dapat mengambil berbagai hal dengan tingkat yang berbeda serta menyesuaikan penampilan, sehingga sesuai dengan merek Anda. Dengan tampilan luar biasa, Logistico menjamin hasil yang luar biasa.

Menu tarik-turun, navigasi lekat, statistik animasi, testimonial, formulir perkiraan gratis, serta berbagai elemen berbeda tersedia untuk Anda. Terlebih lagi, Logistico juga dilengkapi dengan formulir kontak terintegrasi serta berfungsi, serta Google Maps. Terlepas dari bisnis yang Anda operasikan, Anda harus memiliki situs web di zaman sekarang ini.

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Template HTML Sederhana Oneder

Jika Anda sedang dalam proses mendapatkan agen berjalan, ambil Oneder serta atur situs web Anda lebih cepat daripada nanti. Di sisi lain, jika Anda ingin mendesain ulang ruang web yang ada, Anda dapat melakukannya juga, dengan menggunakan Oneder. Template situs web gratis sederhana ini telah Anda selesaikan secara penuh dengan desain obat bius, modern serta kreatif. Anda mungkin bahkan tidak ingin mengubah banyak selain menambahkan konten Anda serta detail berguna lainnya serta siap untuk bergulir.

Perlu diingat, Oneder juga merupakan alternatif yang fantastis jika Anda bersedia menjadikan situs web satu halaman. Semua bagian yang diperlukan hanya berjarak satu gulir. Tidak perlu belajar lebih banyak tentang bisnis Anda dengan mengunjungi halaman yang berbeda. Paket harga, testimonial, spanduk layar penuh, portofolio yang dapat disaring serta formulir kontak, semuanya ada di sana, dikemas dengan rapi menjadi satu templat.

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nissa template gratis

Apakah Anda melakukan fotografi untuk hobi atau profesional, imbalan memiliki situs web bisa menjadi besar. Memang, bahkan jika melakukannya untuk bersenang-senang, siapa yang tahu apa yang membawa masa depan. Nissa ialah templat situs web gratis sederhana yang memastikan halaman yang kreatif serta modern. Ini menjamin terciptanya portofolio online yang mengesankan yang bakal langsung membedakan Anda. Dengan penampilan minimal, Nissa menempatkan semua kilau ekstra pada konten Anda pertama serta terutama, serta itulah yang Anda inginkan.

Bersamaan dengan beranda, Nissa juga dilengkapi dengan tata letak bagian dalam lainnya. Jika Anda menggali tampilan default, tentu saja, gunakan Nissa apa adanya. Tetapi mungkin juga untuk mempersonalisasikannya. Menu di luar kanvas, Google Maps, formulir kontak, tombol media sosial, serta bahkan bagian blog ialah semua fitur berbeda yang disertakan dengan Nissa.

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Templat Arcwork Gratis

Arcwork ialah templat situs web sederhana gratis yang menakjubkan serta kreatif untuk menyiapkan portofolio perusahaan online. Di sisi lain, jika Anda seorang freelancer serta menggali bagaimana penampilan Arcwork, jangan ragu untuk menggunakannya juga. Bagaimanapun, ini ialah halaman kulit yang fleksibel serta adaptif yang dapat Anda manfaatkan dengan luar biasa. Dengan bagian penyambutan yang simplistis dengan efek mesin tik serta ajakan bertindak, Anda bakal segera memicu keingintahuan semua orang.

Selain itu, ada juga animasi gulir, slider, tentang halaman, dukungan video serta bahkan blog. Anda dapat melakukan investasi dalam memulai blog yang meyakinkan yang dapat Anda gunakan secara cerdik untuk pemasaran konten. Last but not least, setiap pengguna Arcwork juga mendapat formulir kontak yang berfungsi. Jika Anda siap untuk sesuatu yang berbeda, maka Anda siap untuk Arcwork.

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Konsultasi Template Gratis

Konsultasi – oleh karena itu namanya – ialah templat situs web gratis sederhana yang paling sesuai dengan konsultan serta perusahaan konsultan. Sementara alat ini menjaga hal-hal sangat bersih serta minimal, penampilan keseluruhan masih sangat menarik perhatian. Jika Anda ingin membuat bisnis Anda berbeda dari pesaing, lakukan itu seperti profesional dengan menggunakan Konsultasi. Ini ialah templat yang didasarkan pada Bootstrap, memastikan fleksibilitas penuh serta daya perpanjangan.

Terlebih lagi, Konsultasi mempraktikkan semua arah web serta teknologi saat ini. Situs web Anda bakal beroperasi tanpa hambatan pada semua perangkat modern, browser web, serta layar retina. Fasilitas lainnya mengandung efek paralaks, slider testimonial, galeri, spanduk layar penuh serta banyak lagi. Untuk seseorang dengan sentuhan berbeda, Anda ingin menekan tombol unduh sekarang serta menyelesaikan Konsultasi. Gaya itu sesuai serta berdampak positif bagi industri.

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Template Gratis Applab

Saat mencari solusi terbaik untuk membuat presentasi aplikasi Anda yang solid, Applab ialah templat situs web gratis sederhana untuk Anda. Desain modern serta orisinal yang memastikan kinerja terbaik di semua perangkat serta browser web modern. Anda bahkan mungkin mendapati diri Anda menggali Applab begitu banyak, Anda ingin menggunakannya persis seperti apa adanya. Jika itu masalahnya, Anda dapat menghemat lebih banyak waktu serta energi. Tentu saja, Anda dapat memodifikasinya lebih jauh juga.

Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan selanjutnya ialah pergi serta unduh alat ini atau lihat pratinjau langsungnya. Rasakan semua barang yang disediakan Applab untuk Anda serta menonjol dari massa. Anda tidak perlu melakukan semua kerja keras lagi, berkat demo yang sudah jadi.

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template shopmax gratis

Saat mendorong produk secara online, Anda ingin desain situs web menjadi sesederhana serta seminimal mungkin. Setelah semua, biarkan situs web meletakkan semua fokus pada barang, bukan efek khusus serta yang lainnya. Pada akhirnya, penjualanlah yang penting. Dengan Shopmax, Anda sekarang dapat mencapai hasil yang mencolok di ruang eCommerce. Baik itu menjual pakaian, aksesoris, sepatu, tas, furnitur, apa saja, dengan Shopmax, Anda dapat mewujudkannya seperti profesional.

Beberapa fitur Shopmax ialah menu drop-down multi-level, formulir kontak fungsional, struktur Bootstrap, tata letak yang lancar serta kompatibilitas dengan browser web. Karena tata letak yang luar biasa, Anda tidak perlu membuat penyesuaian kustomisasi, karena Shopmax bekerja dengan berbagai proyek apa adanya. Isi dengan konten Anda serta Anda sudah dapat memulai perjalanan menuju kesuksesan.

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Template Gratis Seogo

Untuk agensi pemasaran serta SEO, Seogo ialah templat situs web sederhana gratis yang bagus untuk bergabung lebih cepat daripada memulai dari awal. Dengan tampilan situs web yang telah ditentukan serta siap digunakan, Anda sepenuhnya menghindari proses brainstorming desain. Seogo sudah siap serta siap digunakan hanya dengan satu klik. Tata letaknya, memang, responsif serta siap bergerak, membentuk kembali perangkat apa pun dengan mudah. Anda dapat menekan tombol unduh segera serta mulai melihat hasil cepat tak lama setelah itu.

Apa yang bakal Anda temukan eksklusif tentang Seogo ialah perpaduan cerdas antara kreativitas serta kecanggihan. Untuk mempromosikan layanan Anda secara online, memicu perhatian semua orang dengan mempekerjakan Seogo. Rasakan produk akhir yang hebat yang bakal memajukan bisnis Anda. Anda juga dapat menggunakan bagian blog serta menerapkan pemasaran konten untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak penawaran bisnis.

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Template HTML Pribadi Gratis Saya

Bagi para profesional yang ingin memperluas jangkauan mereka, Saya ialah templat situs web gratis sederhana untuk Anda. Designers, creatives, developers, writers, job seekers, I mean, anyone can profit from Me for sure. It is a nifty solution that works great for building a one-page website with all the information you would like to share. From your experience, portfolio and services to testimonials and clients you worked with, make it all visible for others to examine.

Indeed, Me has a responsive and mobile-ready layout which operates like a dream on all devices. The tool is also compatible with web browsers and retina screens for smooth operations. Additional amenities include sticky navigation bar, working contact form and social media icons. Get the most out of Me and hammer out an online presence that will bring in more business opportunities.

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Mighty Free Template

Mighty creates a fantastic atmosphere with its clean and simple web design. It is a free website template for agencies but works for freelancers fantastically well, too. Instead of wondering on the design part of your website, you can simply go with Mighty, and all the rest instantly becomes history. Mighty also makes sure the outcome will run without a hitch on all devices, web browsers and retina screens. That is not something you need to worry about, as Mighty makes sure to cover all the tech aspects out of the box.

Along with the home page, Mighty comes with other internal pages to complete the process of building a fresh page as soon as possible. Speaking of other pages, you get a blog section and a contact page with a functional form, too.

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Ionize Free Travel HTML Template

Everyone who is looking to get involved in the blogging space will love Ionize. This free simple website template delivers an original and creative web design that will set you apart from the competition. No need to get things moving forward from scratch anymore, as Ionize rocks a beautiful layout that you can put into play right away. Ionize also confirms flexibility and extendability, making sure the website adjusts to any screen instantaneously.

Ionize has strong attention to detail, sticky sidebar menu, slider, loads content on scroll and supports video content. There is also an about page and a contact section with form and Google Maps. In short, if you would like to create a blog or an online magazine that does not follow the traditional look, Ionize is the best option for you.

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comport free job board template

We bring you a collection of free website templates that are both simple on the outside and simple on the inside. They have clean and neat web designs while using and working with them is quick and straightforward.

Let’s kick things off with Comport, a free job board website template. It is a Bootstrap Framework site skin that rocks a fluid layout which perfectly adjusts to all devices, mobile and desktop. Needless to say, Comport also works in tune with web browsers and retina screens and ensures outstanding performance.

Offer job seekers to find their dream job quickly and efficiently. List employment by categories and unlock an option to search by keyword. There is also a filterable job portfolio section for full-time and part-time jobs, but you can use it differently, too.

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Lifeleck Free Template

Lifeleck is a free simple website template, which is the best fit for those who would like to start a lifestyle blog. However, with the flexibility of the tool, Lifeleck also works with other niches, like fashion, food, travel, DIY, sports, etc. Use your imagination and get the most out of Lifeleck without a hassle. This page canvas is simple to use, ideal for both beginners and advanced users. Have in mind, Lifeleck is an HTML web template.

Of course, the layout of Lifeleck is 100% responsive and mobile-ready, which means that your blog will run seamlessly on smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. It is also cross-browser compatible and in harmony with retina screens. If you would like to capture their emails, Lifeleck also has a preset newsletter subscription box. Enjoy the prettiness of Lifeleck and start spreading your word out.

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Pexcon Free Template

For construction companies, Pexcon is a free simple website template with a clean and minimal look. The layout makes sure your works and services are beautifully displayed on all devices, from handheld to desktop. Pexcon is a Bootstrap Framework tool, after all, guaranteeing full flexibility and extendability. You also do not need to worry about stuff like cross-browser and retina screen compatibility. Pexcon sorts things out for you out of the box anyway.

Extra goodies of Pexcon contain animated statistics, testimonials slider, call-to-action buttons, about and services pages, blog segment and a working contact form. Increase your potential with a banging online presence and give yourself an opportunity to scale your business through the roof. With a website, a ton is possible and you can even introduce content marketing which, if done right, can bring in a ton more business.

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Uptown Free Template

Uptown is an exclusive free simple website template for real estate agencies and agents. With the completely ready-made web design, you can now capture everyone’s attention without the need to start from scratch. Uptown has you sorted out with all the goodness that you need when starting your thing on the web. Also, if you would like to refresh your existing online presence, you can do that, too, with the use of Uptown. Nothing is holding you back, download Uptown with a click on the mouse and start experiencing the world of amazingness.

Uptown features parallax effect, on scroll content load, multiple inner layouts, beautiful single property pages, blog and contact form with Google Maps. You are closer than ever to launching a new real estate website with the use of the fantastic and up-to-the-minute Uptown.

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Sunshine Free Template

Sunshine is a lovely and free simple website template for weddings. Instead of sharing your story with everyone over and over again, take a different approach and build a page. There, you can tell all about how you met, your love story, beautiful gallery, as well as the information about the big day. Sunshine delivers a clean, minimal and creative design that will wow everyone. See the live preview of the template first and experience it yourself.

There are very many features and elements that decorate Sunshine, making your website pop. From countdown timer and sticky navigation to wedding schedule and an RSVP form, it is all there, available for you to put to use. Google Maps are also integrated into the web design to show the exact location of the event.

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Ideal Free Template

Interior designers and architects, Ideal is an exclusive and attention-grabbing free simple website template. The tool delivers a super simplistic look that puts all the shine on your content first and foremost. To ensure a great experience browsing through your works and services, Ideal sure is one of the best solutions you can currently get your hands on. I bet many of you will find it so appealing to the eye, you will want to use it as is.

Moreover, Ideal also comes with a full-width slider, call-to-action buttons, on scroll content loading and a flawless about page. To build customer trust, share testimonials with the nifty slider that Ideal has integrated into the design. If you would like to share the process of your work and other whatnot, you can also start a compelling blog.

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eventalk free template

Eventalk almost does not need an introduction. As the name suggests, Eventalk is a free simple website template for event, conference and other meeting-type websites. The item is fully organized and easy to use, making sure you are able to adjust it to your needs and requirements effortlessly. On the other hand, you can also use it out of the box, introduce your details and you are good to go. As simple as that!

Core features of Eventalk are countdown timer, parallax effect, sticky nav bar, event schedule and speakers page. Of course, this is not all that you get with Eventalk. You can also start a blog and announce all the additional news that will help you get even more attendees on board. Use Eventalk to create a professional website that will popularize your forthcoming event.

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uza free template

Avoid complication and keep things simple and straightforward. As a business owner, the last thing you want is to create a website full of animations and other types of disturbances. Sure, they might work to some extent but keeping things clean and minimal will always do the trick. If you do not know how to approach web design, Uza is the free simple website template that will get you moving forward.

Uza is a template for businesses and agencies and could work for freelancers as well. It practices all the latest tech and web regulations to make sure your page runs without a hitch. It is 100% mobile-ready, SEO-friendly and in harmony with web browsers. Improve the web design with your custom content and make it fully compliant with your branding. Uza is here to stay.

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Transcend Free Template

Perfect for creative agencies, but ideal for freelancers, too, Transcend helps you hammer out a stunning page. It is a free simple website template with loads of innovative and modern touches to it. Full-screen banner is the first thing every guest gets hit with. Transcend allows you to edit it per your likings for the strongest first impression ever. But it might be all due to the parallax effect why they will keep on browsing your page and enjoy your expertness.

Moreover, the content loads on scroll, the text is big and clear and the icons add a distinct look to the web design. Transcend also has a neat portfolio section, testimonials slider, animated statistics and social media icons. Scroll down and back to top buttons and newsletter subscription are also cool details of Transcend.

Download Pratinjau


Ararat Free Template

Ararat is a wonderful, modern and free simple website template for everything architectural-related. If you are looking to speed up the creation of your website, do yourself a favor and pick Ararat. This tool equips you with all the necessary for a swift and straightforward realization of a refreshing and business-driven website.

In the package, you get loads of different contents and elements which will do you well. From slider and call-to-action buttons to sticky navigation, drop-down menu, testimonials and working contact form, it is all available at your fingertips. Ararat is also 100% mobile-friendly, in tune with web browsers, as well as compatible with retina screens. Enjoy the outcome that will move mountains and scale your business to new success levels.

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Thelook Free Template

TheLook is a magnificent free simple website template for art galleries, photographers and other creative individuals. If you would like to spread the awareness of your project, do it the right way with the outstanding and creative TheLook. This remarkable solution rocks a clean and minimalistic web design which beautifully puts an extra shine on all your works and masterpieces. The first thing everyone will notice is the massive slider. Use this section strategically, introduce extraordinary imagery and compelling call-to-actions for an increased chance of winning them over.

TheLook is also a Bootstrap Framework template which ensures complete flexibility. In other words, your page will operate without a hitch on all devices and browsing platforms. Retina screens, too! In addition to that, do reach a broader audience by starting a blog and give back to the community.

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Noxen Free Template

If you would like to take things to the next level, enjoy Noxen, free simple website template, now and make a difference. Regardless of your agency’s main objective, with Noxen, you can now start on the web like a professional. Have in mind, this is an HTML template which needs extra knowledge to turn it into a functional and practical website which will deliver supreme performance. Everyone visiting your page will enjoy the smooth flow, whether using a handheld or a desktop device.

Other amenities of Noxen contain parallax effect, featured content slider, newsletter subscription form, testimonials and blog pages. The latter works great to share your knowledge with the world and use it for content marketing. Without a shadow of a doubt, you are now a lot closer to realizing your dream online presence, thanks to the amazingness of Noxen.

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kanox free template

With its minimal appearance, it is no secret that Kanox is a free simple website template. Moreover, it is the usage of Kanox that is simple and user-friendly, too. Out of the box, Kanox is an ideal tool for building websites for agencies. You use the web design to present your services and a remarkable portfolio on the web like no one else. Feel free to utilize Kanox out of the box and speed up the process of establishing an impressive agency page. On the other hand, brand and personalize it according to your regulations and make a custom version of Kanox.

Additional characteristics of Kanox are responsive and cross-browser compatible layout, unique animations, drop-down menu and sticky navigation. Popularize your agency with a website that will turn heads, thanks to the convenient Kanox.

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Fitzone 2

fitzone2 free template

Fitzone 2 is a fitness-oriented free website template with a tidy and modern approach to web design. With a website based on Fitzone 2, you will impress all and everyone who visits your online presence. Use it to create an in-depth presentation of your courses, introduce your personal trainers and share other useful information. With Fitzone 2, you can also start a blog which you can use for content marketing, too. You have very many options once you gain access to Fitzone 2. And it is entirely free of charge, meaning, you have nothing to lose.

Extra goodness includes full-width banner, transparent navigation which sticks to the top while you scroll, call-to-action buttons and testimonials slider to name a few. There are also body mass index calculator, subscription form, social media icons and a working contact form.

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Innova Free Template

The majority of the web, as you probably noticed, keeps things simple and to the point. Mengapa? Because it works. Instead of over-complicating things with all this fancy stuff, stick to simplicity and minimalism. As a creative business or agency, you will surely enjoy studying Innova further. This free simple website template is all set up for you to put it into play without giving it a second thought. Feel free to use it out of the box and have a page up in little to no time. Of course, performing additional tweaks is possible, too.

From full-screen banner, parallax effect and scrolling animations to portfolio, testimonials and call-to-action buttons, Innova rocks it all and then some. The contact section is also ready-made for you, equipped with functional form. Start on the web with a bang and utilize the terrific Innova.

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Miniblog Free Template

As the name suggests, Miniblog is a free simple website template for bloggers, heck, even online magazines. If you like things minimal and tidy, Miniblog is the one web design you should consider using. First and foremost, the template is just a click on the download button away, without any hidden fees. And second, you can employ it out of the box and experience spectacular results in a snap of a finger. Moreover, you can brand and personalize the default layout of Miniblog accordingly and make it yours.

Just like all the other layouts, Miniblog is also responsive and flexible, instantly reshaping to smartphones, tablets and desktop computers. The outcome also acclimatizes to all modern web browsers and displays content stunningly on retina screens. That’s that, enter the blogging space with an extraordinary, yet simplistic, blog that will move you in the right direction.

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Plataforma Free Template

For events, conferences, forums, gatherings and meetings, Plataforma is the free simple website template to choose. If you would like to boost your potential and inspire even more prospective attendees, create a solid online presence with all the necessary information and details about the event. Plataforma ensures a striking space which will help you sell out the upcoming conference you host. Regardless of the subject, Plataforma caters to all sorts of different objectives with ease.

You will experience tons of different goodies, like a countdown timer, contact and registration forms, conference schedule, gallery and pricing plans. Build trust with testimonials and go on a more personal level by kicking off a blog. With a call-to-action (CTA) in the navigation menu, you raise your chances of selling even more tickets.

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etrain free template

As the name suggests, Etrain is a free simple website template for online courses. However, you can also employ this fantastic and highly adaptive web design for other education-related projects without a hassle. Alter the default settings and you unlock yourself tons of new options and possibilities.

The look of Etrain is clean and up-to-the-minute, easily adjusting for different purposes. Besides, you also do not need to worry about stuff like mobile-friendly and cross-browser compatible layout; Etrain sports it both and then some. It is also lightweight and fast loading for an always smooth experience regardless of the device they use to browse your content.

Other features and functions involve animated statistics, sticky menu, testimonials slider, blog section, Google Maps and a working contact form. Avoid starting from the ground up by getting things moving forward with the outstanding, premium-like Etrain template.

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Cohost Free Template

Even if it comes to something like web hosting and domain registration, you can still use a free simple website template. After all, simple can mean many things; whether the design is simple, the use is simple or both. In our case, it is both. And Cohost is the cracking page skin for hosting companies that proves it right. Not only is the web design simple, but it is also very minimal and sophisticated. Besides, you can employ Cohost for crafting both one- and multi-page websites without a hassle. As far as the appearance goes, Cohost has you covered in full.

When it comes to features, Cohost practices all the latest trends, like mobile-readiness, browser compatibility and retina-friendliness. Also, you will find a domain search function, on scroll content load, sticky menu, animated statistics and neat hover effects. Cohost does not miss pricing plans, testimonials and blog section either.

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Yogafun Free Template

Yoga instructors and yoga studios, Yogafun is the free simple website template for you. That’s it, as far as the web design goes, Yogafun has all the necessary and then some to push your services, classes and more. Additionally, you can also start a yoga blog with Yogafun and share all sorts of tips and tricks related to yoga, health, fitness and wellness. The options are there so use Yogafun wisely (read strategically) and take your project to an entirely new degree.

When skimming through the live preview of Yogafun, you will immediately fall in love with the cleanness and professionalism that Yogafun brings to the table. There is also a newsletter subscription form to start building your email list straight away. Make a difference in the yoga space with Yogafun and establish a spectacular website.

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dingo free template

When it comes to restaurant and food-related pages, you want to pick a free simple website template. Dingo is one fine, modern and very tasty solution for your business. With a neat and tidy presence, you can showcase your delicious food imagery professionally and uniquely. With pictures alone, you can capture their attention and start the experience strong. Little do they know, they are already filling out the reservation form which Dingo has included in the design, too.

Moreover, Dingo is a terrific template if you are looking to hammer out a one-page website, too. It supports videos content, comes with sticky drop-down menu, filterable food menu, date and time pickers and testimonials. You will also find social media icons, newsletter subscription, Google Maps and a working contact form. Spread the word out, attract even more customers and have your tables full all the time.

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Balita Free Template

When in search to find the best free simple website template to start a blog, Balita will be the best decision you make. It has a clean, minimal and light look with a smooth scroll and plenty valuable elements for you to bring something interestingly fresh to the table. Balita is no stranger to adapting to just about any niche you would like to write about. It can be food, travel, lifestyle, fashion, gadgets, even something entirely different, Balita manages it all.

You will find social media button in the top bar, as well as in the footer to show the world how sociable you are. Moreover, widget rich footer and sidebar allow you to spice up the experience and get them quick access to the hot topics. In the Balita bundle, you will also find a neat about me page and a contact section with a functional form.

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Balay Free Template

Balay is a modernistic and attention grabbing free website template that best serves interior designers and architects. It comes with a ton of amazing assets that you can greatly benefit from. Right off the bat, you will get hit with a massive slider and a simple left sidebar navigation. Everyone will get intrigued to learn more about what you do and what you have to offer them.

The content loads on scroll for a fantastic experience that will bulge everyone’s eyes. Along with the spectacular home page layout, Balay also delivers other inner pages to cover your projects, services, contacts and even a blog. If a blog is all you need and you truly enjoy Balay’s web design, by all means, use the blog part of this free simple website template only.

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Webmag Free Template

Launch an online publication website aka an online magazine with WebMag. This free simple website template is based on Bootstrap 4 what gives you the flexibility you need for your website. After all, if it is not mobile-ready, it is almost like you do not exist. I know, the modern-era, we live in, is asking for a lot. Well, do not get intimidated by it. Our tools are all responsive and compatible with all browsers so that is something you do not have to worry about at all.

WebMag has a very tidy and straightforward look that displays your content in the best possible light. Readers will definitely be interested in coming back for more of your compelling content. What’s more, you can also monetize your page with WebMag’s pre-set ad spots and grab guests’ emails with newsletter subscription widget.

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Unicat Free Template

If you offer online education and have loads of fantastic courses to share with your students, Unicat is the best option to create a learning platform. This free simple website template is all you need to start something new and provide all the necessary information and help those in need. It does not matter what type of courses and education you specify in, Unicat is ready for anything. Be it cooking, language learning, mathematics, business, marketing, you name it, Unicat handles it all effortlessly.

Now let’s quickly look at some of the features. Unicat has a full-width slider, advanced search option, register and contact forms, Google Maps and is entirely blog ready. The blog part of Unicat is actually so amazing, you might even use it to build an educational blog with it. To each their own.

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Original Free Template

To really see the best results on the interweb, you need to be as original as possible. Whatever you plan to do on the web, make sure you add your individual touch to it. People will notice your peculiarity and that is something that might be the tipping point of your online project. But first, create the blog you always wanted with the cool free simple template, Original.

The site skin has a carousel slider, minimal and elegant web design and offers excellent performance due to its lightness. You will also find an Instagram feed slider integrated into the layout, social media icons and a back to top button. For the smoothes navigation, Original uses multi-level drop-down menu which gets readers to the desired location in just a click. At this moment, it is time to take action and kick off the blogging adventure.

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Philosophy is a simple and free blogging website template for you to start publishing enticing articles quickly. You can use Philosophy for any type of online journal. You can start a fashion, travel, politics, foods, nutrition, health, you name it, blog quickly and effortlessly. The template comes with a gorgeous grid layout which loads your content while you scroll.

Header section comes with a handy navigation while footer is widget-rich. Philosophy supports all blog types, standard, video, audio and gallery, for the freedom of posting you need. In the Philosophy kit, you also get access to different elements which you can add or avoid adding to your website. Different buttons, alert boxes, functional contact form and Google Maps, it is all at your service. Get your blog up and running as quickly as possible with Philosophy.

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For a modern and web-based business that needs a web space, Zeta is the free simple website template you will benefit from greatly. It sports some truly amazing features for your convenience. From a full-width slider and parallax effect to animated skillbars, testimonials slider and call to action buttons. The navigation is a sticky one for a user to jump from section to section much faster.

Along with the tempting front page, Zeta also has a services page ready to use and tons of elements, like accordions, loaders and milestones. Besides, do not hold yourself back and start blogging with Zeta, too. You will discover a clean blog within the Zeta kit which you can do two things with. First, you can execute content marketing with it or second, you can use it as a standalone page.

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Saas free template

In this collection of the best free simple website templates, you will find an item to make pretty much any page you would like. In this case, SaaS is the ideal solution for service as a business type of projects. It is clean, neat and carefully designed and developed to offer you all the needed and then some. You could not find yourself a better template to make your product and company known.

Organized and sophisticated, as well as mobile-ready and cross-browser compatible, that is SaaS. We invested all the hours into the design and development of this great product so you do not have to. Instead, you can start using it straight away and turn it into a working website, grabbing the attention of those in need of your offering.

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Startup free template

Give your startup all the extra shine it deserves in the online space with Startup free simple website template. It is our own product that you can use for both personal and commercial use. Not only that, we give you complete permission to edit and adjust it so that Startup template meets all your requirements. You better look into it if you are a small fresh business looking to gain some extra recognition. After all, in this day and age, without a website, you are pretty much a no one.

That is where we come into play.

There is no need to go through all the struggle of creating the web space all by yourself. Do it with our free tool, like Startup. The template is based on Bootstrap Framework what provides flexibility and responsiveness. All your websites will instantly adapt to any device and work seamlessly on all popular web browsers. Startup is ready to advertise your services, your talent and whatever else you pride yourself on.

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winkel free template

Winkel is a free simple website template for online clothing stores. Whether you are starting a general apparel shop or you would like to build a page for your brand, Winkel sorts you out with cracking web design. It sports a stunning layout which will spark everyone’s interest. Very likely, you will not even want to change the default layout much and use it out of the box. It is definitely a modern and minimal looking template, ensuring a smooth shopping experience.

First and foremost, Winkel welcomes all your potential customers with a massive split-screen slider with text and call-to-action buttons. It also includes animated statistics, sticky navbar, drop-down menu, newsletter subscription form and social media buttons. You will also find cart and checkout pages included in the bundle what will save you even more time.

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dealers free template

Dealers is another spectacular free simple website template perfect for everything fashion and apparel related. It is an eCommerce web design which you can use for online clothing, shoes, bags, glasses and accessories stores effortlessly. Besides, if you dig a minimal look, Dealers will surely be the right solution for you. Dealers comes with a clean, elegant and trendy layout that will beautifully display all your items and push them right in front of your visitors.

With the full-screen banner, you can market your latest drops or special deals and start banking. Moreover, Dealers also includes product slider, subscription widget, multi-level drop-down menu, functional contact form and handy filtering features. Like that would not be enough, Dealers is also quick and straightforward to use, ideal for both beginner and expert users. Get your online business rocking the online space with Dealers’ amazingness.

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toothsy free template

As the name suggests, Toothsy is a free and simple website template for dentists and dental clinics. In short, whatever dental-related you have going on on your end, let Toothsy push it on the web with a refined and sophisticated layout. Toothsy is powered by Bootstrap Framework, fully responsive, in tune with web browsers and compatible with retina-screens and search engines.

What’s more, Toothsy has a single-page website layout which is becoming a more and more common practice in professional websites. You only need one page to present your entire business online what is definitely very convenient for the end user.

Additional goodies of Toothsy include but are not limited to animated stats, video support, testimonials, contact form and blog. You can also capture your potential patients’ emails with the integrated subscription form and use them for future marketing campaigns.

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Appy free landing page template

Appy provides comfortability that you are in need of when it comes to setting up your first or tenth website. It is a free app landing page website template with a simple and nifty web design. The features that Appy sports are almost identical to those that premium templates bring to the table. However, to get the best sense what is possible with Appy, you better check out its live preview page and be impressed.

From awesome banner above the fold to sticky menu, video support and killer features section with industry icons, Appy is ready to take your service to the next level. Let your users speak about your product and showcase what they have to say using the integrated testimonials slider. Pricing tables are also included as well as accordions for, let’s say, frequently asked questions. It is all in one place with Appy.

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Medisen Free Template

With a broad collection of all sorts of different free simple website templates, you can go after creating all sorts of pages. Regardless of the business, you operate or plan to start, we have a free web design for you. And if you happen to be in the medical field, Medisen is the one solution you should not miss checking out. The layout is as clean as it could get, perfect for displaying all your services and introducing your doctors. Everyone will immediately notice your professionalism and seriousness. On the other hand, the contemporary and trendy look will keep the engagement at the highest level.

Some of the goodies of Medisen include sticky header, testimonials, video support, hover effects and a full-blown contact page with Google Maps and form. In the Medisen kit, you will also find blog pages for when you would like to expand your reach and grow your business with compelling articles.

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raptor free template

Raptor is a simple, convenient and distinct landing page website template for web hosting firms. While the tool costs you nothing, that does not really mean Raptor is half-baked. In fact, it is very premium-like, full of amazing features and functions. Also, Raptor is 100% responsive Bootstrap layout with full browser and retina screen compatibility. With all this in mind, you know the performance will always be outstanding, ensuring your users a seamless experience.

From a catchy slider and domain search feature to pricing plans, animated statistics and testimonials, Raptor is a pack full of handy and valuable amenities. Newsletter subscription, social media icons, blog and contact form are all included in the gem, too. Skip the idea of starting a web hosting and domain registrar website from scratch and choose Raptor. It provides all the necessary for a quick launch.

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Craft Free Template

Designed and developed with agencies and freelancers in mind, Craft is a free simple website template for boosting your online presence through the roof. You can now have a breeze creating a complete web space for your business, services and portfolio. Craft unlocks a comfortable atmosphere which emphasizes your projects first and foremost. Utilize the full-screen parallax banner strategically and even let them play a video to capture their attention. First few seconds matter the most.

Furthermore, Craft’s layout reshapes to all devices and screens instantaneously. After all, it is a Bootstrap Framework template. Also, it does not matter which browsing platform they use, Craft makes sure it keeps the level of performance at an ultimate high all the time. Spread the word out with Craft by creating a sophisticated page which will win you over new business deals.

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With Drimo, building a dream website is very likely to happen. What’s best, it will not take you much time to realize the goals you have for your page since the majority of work has already been done. Drimo is a contemporary website making masterpiece that focuses on products and services. The features the template offers make Drimo a class of its own. Out of the box, you get to pick from eleven predesigned home pages. On top of that, it also has blog pages and an error page pre-made for you to enjoy using right off the bat.

Whatever you plan on creating, you can do it with Drimo. The page you are about to bring to reality will be one that will spark everyone’s interest. Expect great things to happen for your business once you go live and start driving traffic to your freshly crafted web space.

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Robotics free template

No matter how advanced and scientific your creation is, it is Robotics that helps you bring it to the online space with ease. Go as innovative as you would like and shake the internet with something extraordinary. Robotics is a website template based on Bootstrap Framework for a final web page design to be pliable and simple to manage. While you can use it exactly as you see live preview be, you can still take an extra step and perform various tweaks. Meaning, Robotics is highly customizable so make sure to use it to its full potential.

If building robots and drones is what you specialize in, then Robotics is clearly the winning template for you. Give it a test run by visiting its live preview page and see how much you can do with it.

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CallCenter free business website template

Although it feels very outdated, for some reason, communication services are still doing extremely well. If you run a communication center, you better look into CallCenter free website template this very moment. Have an up to date website that works smoothly on any device for potential clients to turn into loyal customers due to your overall professionalism. Thanks to CallCenter, you can achieve all that without a single drop of sweat.

The layout of CallCenter is responsive, retina ready and compatible with all modern and popular web browsers. No matter the device and platform they use, your website, using CallCenter, will always work without a hitch. Market your valuable services, give them a better idea why you are the best and they will not mind getting in touch with you using the included contact form. New business deals are just around the corner.

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Creative Agency

Agency free agency website template

Creative Agency is a free simple website template for all digital and web agencies out there. You can use it to push stuff as design work, marketing and even your freelancing business. In fact, go entirely against the grain and use Creative Agency for something as creative as possible. The template costs you nothing but the features and assets it offers you are priceless.

Full-screen banner with parallax effect is something that will impress every site visitor. Introduce some text and a call to action button and have them clicking and considering working with you. However, it is all due to the other sections of Creative Agency why they will pick you over the competition. Creativity has no limitations and nor does Creative Agency template.

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It is time to finally put together that site you were postponing all until now. On the other hand, take the needed action today and redesign your old page and make it trendy.

But there is a catch.

You do not have to do it all by yourself. Sure, some experience is helpful and will allow you to do great things on the web. However, when you download Fancy, you will notice how much work we already did for you. Instead of doing things from the ground up, pick this free simple website template and alter it to your demands.

Fancy is an ideal solution for creative and marketing agencies in need to sort out their web space. Have a solid start of something extraordinary and wow all your potential clients with a page appealing to the eye.

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Security free template

Instead of adjusting another template to your niche, we have a broad selection of free simple website templates to cover loads of businesses and projects. Security is the professional template for firms offering security services. No matter what you do, make sure you have a highly functional website ready for those interested in working with you to check. With a website, you instantly expand your potential and show the world how serious you are about what you do.

Waste no time and start establishing an online appearance for your project with Security. You are about to witness the simplest process of constructing a website thanks to the ease of use and the beginner-friendliness of Security. Make your security services pop, grab visitors’ emails and even start a blog. There is a ton you can do for your firm with one simple template which just happens to be free.

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Sierra free template

Give your projects and services all the extra recognition they deserve by building a website using Sierra. This free simple website template is powered by Bootstrap 4 and makes all its content display gorgeously on any device. That said, Sierra is mobile and retina ready, as well as perfectly in tune with all web browsers. The user experience it delivers is an exceptional one.

Sierra provides startups all the necessary material for a butter smooth website launch. Full-width slider, hover effects, solid attention to detail and an amazing page for services, Sierra stands the test of time and will never get old-school. In the kit, you will also find a handy contact form and Instagram widget. If you are in need of a contemporary template with an urban feel to it, Sierra is undoubtedly the best option for you.

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Mosh free template

Mosh is a clean and smart free website template for startups and small businesses. All agencies can count on Mosh and its greatness. It is a tool that all of you will find extremely simple to use and customize. However, in many cases, you will want Mosh to make your website look exactly how the live preview of the template looks. If that is the case for you, you only need to edit it with your content and you are ready to roll.

For a great start of something excellent, look no further than Mosh. You are closer than ever to realizing the website you always wanted to build. Now you can! And it costs you nothing.

Mosh has all sorts of goodies available for you to put to use. Get the most out of it and make your online projects one of those that everyone talks about. Do I hear someone saying viral?

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Suitcase free template

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you read and see the screen of our free template, Suitcase? If business and entrepreneurship is the thing that pops first thing, you could not be more right. Suitcase is a free simple website template for agencies that offer web design, development, digital marketing and other creative stuff.

Suitcase sports a wide layout with a great focus on your content both visuals and texts. All the content you plan to feature on your page loads on scroll and you can push your latest creations by using the full-width slider. Everything that Suitcase does, it does it with optimization and great performance in mind. Meaning, with the template, you will always feel safe and secure that it is performing at the same expert level all the time.

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Dup is a simple and stylish website template which brings a ton of joy to building your first or thirteenth website. No matter how many you create, Dup will never cost you a dime. It is a free simple website template which you can use for all sorts of intentions. However, it is best suited for digital agencies and small businesses. But you will not face any issues if you plan to use it for a personal website. It is all possible with a beautiful theme like Dup is.

SEBUAH one-page template where you will find all the necessities to present business in the shiniest light. Make sure your online presence is not lacking quality, ever. That is something you do not have to worry when building and designing with Dup. But there is not much of the latter needed. Dup is a gorgeous tool that will help you skip doing it all from scratch. Let Dup share your achievements, your services, a video presentation and your portfolio with a cool slider. For those willing to stay in touch, the template also comes with an eye-catching subscription box. Moreover, if you are actively engaging on Instagram, make sure to connect your Insta feed with Dup, too.

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Although it was built with simplicity in mind, Boxus is one of the most unique website templates you have seen so far. You will not be able to stop scrolling up and down the preview page. Mengapa? The way how the menu moves with your scrolling and how it highlights each section is superb. It truly is very innovative. And maybe it is all due to this outstanding feature why you will pick Boxus template for your website. If you want to stand out from the crowd, then Boxus is definitely the way to go. Hey, it is free after all. All it takes is your time and effort to put things in order and set it live on the web.

With Boxus, you are able to promote your skills and expertness, showcase your portfolio and tell more about your company. Integrated into the template is also a fully workable blog and contact form. The former will help you share your story and write about news and other whatnots. With contact form and Google Maps, you can get those interested in your industry to get in touch with you straight away. Let the bright colors and experimental web design bring your business to an entirely different level.

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If you are thinking about the sport, nope, that is not what this Bobsled is all about. It also does not necessarily need to be for something to do with bobsled in the online space. But use your imagination and make Bobsled work for you. Anyhow, to finally get to the point, Bobsled is a free and minimal website template perfect for creating landing pages and one-page websites. From startups, creative individuals to all sorts of other firms and companies, Bobsled is here to treat you right.

The simplicity of the template plays a big part in achieving success with your page. No clutter and not too much animations and special effects is definitely a good path to take. Especially when you are starting out. If you do not know what would work best for your site, just go with something simple and clean and you are good to go.

Bobsled, along with all the required goodies, also comes with a working PHP contact form. You do not need come up with your own design, you do not have to build the contact form and on top of that, Bobsled is free. Apa lagi yang kamu butuhkan?

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To test the waters and see how far you can come with a proper website, free Glint template will help you create one. There is no need to pay a premium price when amazing free tools are available with which you can achieve expert levels, too. Although the footer credits will reveal it, no one will notice your page was built using a free template upon the site load. They will be inspired by the relatively plain design but still with just the right amount of life to it. Speaking of which, animations are present throughout the whole website for some additional entertainment.

Glint offers you to display stats in a lovely animation and so do other section appear smoothly on the scroll. An elegant portfolio section advertises your work with hover effect and opens images in a popup. You can then click back and forth to check other work or exit by clicking anywhere on or outside the image. Display the clients you have worked with, share customer testimonials and connect your page with social media accounts. Regarding visitors getting in touch with you, Glint’s working contact form will take care of them.

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Boldness and brightness are a big part of the Dinomuz free template design. You get hit with beaming colors and crisp clean layout which comes ideal for forging the most creative websites. Take advantage of each sector of the template and get the most out of it. From the nice introduction section to services and works, Dinomuz attracts the visitor in a pleasant way. There is no need to be scrolling to find what the company is all about. With Dinomuz, you can have your website get the guests familiar with what you do straight away. All the rest comes as a pleasant addition that will help you convince visitors to pick you over the competition.

Share your story and get on a personal level with everyone interested in your services. Show that you care and put extra effort into each and every project you successfully finish. Use Dinomuz free creative business template to bring your website to the top of the list of the best businesses in your industry. It will help you show your professionalism and expertness. Isn’t that something you strive towards?

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It sounds so tasty and delicious, yet the only thing you can feed with Go Crepe are your hungry eyes. It is a simple, creative and free website template to cover all your artistic needs. At least when it comes to building a website for your online projects. You will not have any issues using Go Crepe for sites for mobile applications, search engine optimization agencies, local businesses and a whole bunch more. Perform quick few tweaks and you can have Go Crepe tailored to your needs just how you fancy it. With an interactive slider, there is no question whether or not your visitors will be intrigued by what you do. To cut a long story short, they simply will be, period.

Who would have thought that you can cover it all with one simple page? Tell what your business excels at, share your incredible works and persuade potential clients with a compelling story. Add logos of the brands you work with and place a beautiful image as a background. Plus, capture everyone’s email who is eager to get your business updates with an awesome subscription box. And you can do it all with a free and ready-to-use template that goes by the name, Go Crepe. How luscious does that sound?

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The things you can do with MobApp free mobile app website template is not solely limited to, well, mobile applications. However, hence the name, we will focus on these only. MobApp is a free and fully responsive website template for technology websites. If you are developing apps for iOS, Android, Mac and other PC software, this template is the ideal tool you need. After all, once you want to further promote your much-needed application, you need to build a website for it. Tell all about why mobile users need your app and how it will benefit them. Showcase app screenshots, tell them how it works and features pricing tables if it has premium plans available.

The simple, yet bright and vivid, free website template has all the necessary call-to-action buttons with one located in the menu section. Due to the sticky menu, users will get a chance to click the download button at any time. Or access it at the bottom and get redirected to Apple App Store or Google Play. The experience of browsing and checking different content of a website built with MobApp template will be an unforgettable one.

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The name speaks for itself. Creative Agency is a free website template for everyone in the creative, digital and media fields. Building websites for agencies in the mentioned industries will be a breeze. Still, if you find the web design of Creative Agency template to your likings but you have nothing to do with creativity, feel free to use it anyway. You do not have to feel limited. You can always go against the grain and make things your way. The flexibility of Creative Agency allows you to build one-page websites for a variety of companies.

A big, full-screen photo with text and CTAs greets visitors and arouses their curiosity. It makes them scrolling to get familiar with what you do and how they can benefit from your creativity. Creative Agency has dedicated sections for portfolio, services, prices and even team members. Clean and basic blog section also comes with the template which users will be excited to read. When they know your business and talent are the one, they can get in touch with you directly from your website. Meaning, CA does not lack a 100% working contact form. All in all, Creative Agency is the premium template with all the features to construct the best business page.

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Are you looking for a solution to build your online brand image others will envy? BBS is the free simple website template for small businesses and one-man-bands, too. BBS might be the abbreviation for Big Bold Succeeder, or maybe that is something I just came up with. Nevermind, what is important is the ultimate features BBS template treats you with. At some point, you will start to wonder if you are really looking at a free tool. It feels so premium. That is how BBS rolls. Free of charge, yet the characteristics are like they would be of a paid template.

To describe BBS template in the shortest way possible, it would be: Simplicity mixed with sophistication. That is exactly what you get when you download it. In the modern age we are living, the online presence of your business is highly important. Make it poor and you might not see the kind of success you would when using BBS. If your page is outdated, refresh the layout with BBS template or pick it for building your first page. Your final site will be organized and optimized to the T. Start driving in more deals and scale your company.

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Creatives and everyone that has something to do with their artistic minds, your online appearance just got sorted with Datarc. This is a full-screen template that helps you bring your work and services to the web space. Digital agencies, tech-oriented startups and pretty much any business in between can build with Datarc template. The first thing that appears in front of your eyes is a big image. That’s the feature which you can use to impress visitors. In one or two sentences share what your startup is all about and add a call-to-action button. If this gets them scrolling and checking out more about your services, you are on a good way to score yourself a new business opportunity.

Datarc template is broken down into different sections where you can add all the additional information you would like to share. Of course, services and portfolio are two of the crucial ones. Moreover, introduce your hard working team members, start a blog and provide pricing tables. They might not even need to use the fully working contact form rather pick the plan they find beneficial right away. Grow your business above and beyond and become the leader in your field.

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Mobile app developers, to showcase your work in the most refined way, Ca App Landing template is the ideal option for you. No need to do the web design from the bottom up. You already have it all available for the fastest online presentation solution possible. Before we continue, you do not have to be an app developer to use Ca App Landing. It is still quite a flexible free simple website template for various other technology sites. And the modern and colorful look will surely convince you to start downloading it without giving it a second thought. Dive in and start building the required website now.

OK, let’s briefly talk about what Ca App Landing template brings to the table. First things first, the big image of your app with a short description and a CTA. The first few seconds are of utmost importance. Further down the page, tell what is distinctive about your product and why it will help others. Does it solve a problem? Make sure you mention it. State the excellent features and implement the promotional video. Slider for screenshots, pricing plans and get-in-touch form also come part of Ca App Landing. And if you would like to link it with your social media, you can do that, too.

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Labs will make any website in any industry an outstanding one. It has all the modern elements, as well as uses all the finest technologies what makes the template flexible and looking sharp. From the header to the footer, everyone browsing your newly crafted website will have a great adventure. Labs features a big slider which is connected to three boxes which you can use to highlight your services. With just these two sections alone, you can get visitor aware of what you do and what you are the expert off. But with your site development, you do not end here. You can use the free simple website template, Labs, to go in-depth, almost on a personal level with your potential clients. Heck, why wouldn’t you want to be as personal as you can be?

Build company trust with testimonials, and let others do the talking. People like to read what others have to say about you. Some even decide whether to pick you or not solely on testimonials. Expand your three main services with a comprehensive list of features that will be hard to resist. Labs template also has a team section and a functional contact form. You will find Labs bright in colors with a great deal of features to cover many business sites.

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Give yourself a reason to shine online with Pemodule free simple website template. If a single page layout is what you dig the most, Pemodule is one of the best options for you. Of course, we have more such tools in store for you, but let’s dedicate some time to Pemodule. The web design is framed with a great selection of vibrant colors to attract as many visitors and potential new clients as possible.

Furthermore, Pemodule is a Bootstrap 4 template for the ease of use and flexibility that you strive toward. You get a nice assortment of tools that will take your web presence to the next level. Especially if you are a photographer, Pemodule will do magical things for your pictures and services. It creates an overall marvelous experience no matter the device and platform they use to browse your first-class web space.

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Photographers, you are welcome. Yaseen is a one-page black and white free HTML template for everyone which photography is his or hers passion. But you do not have to be a professional to use it. Everyone in the photosphere who wants to showcase the marvelous work can do it now and have a website setup quickly and efficiently. Even if you are taking photos as a hobby, who knows, maybe someone stumbles across your work and is so impressed by it he or she wants to do immediate business with you. A few extra $$$ never hurt anybody, right?

Yaseen template reaches your requirements and goes beyond expectations. It is all in the simple and to the point web design which helps you realize the photography website you always dreamt about. That said, start acting ASAP and little do you know, your page will be up and running in no time. Use the Yaseen template out of the box or do a tweak here and a tweak there. But for the fastest solution, bring Yaseen into play as is. As you will see from the live demo, it is very eye-catching and comes with a bunch of cool features. Two different sliders, contact form, social media icons and all the other mandatory stuff. Just the right amount of features photographers need to share their work online and bring it in front of future clients.

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Maze is another lovely product that will help you create stunning and enticing websites with little work involved. This is a free simple website template with a clean look, fantastic colors and clear typography. When you need a quick solution to make a page that will display your talent and inevitable services you offer, then you sure do need to consider Maze. Editing and customization are both manageable tasks that nearly anyone can perform.

You can easily modify Maze and make it follow your personal brand exactly how you fancy. Add your content and express yourself in an impressive way using a neat page that is just short moments away from getting you online. Maze also includes a newsletter subscription widget to start grabbing everyone’s emails for future marketing promotions.

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There is a lot you can do with Impact and building a simple and clean website with it is one of them. In general, Impact is a free and multi-purpose template for bringing into being just about any type of website. You can choose between one- or multi-page layout and start from there. From animations to large images and plenty different sections cover all the aspects of your website. Share images of your work, testimonials, start a blog and take to your advantage the cool animations. Impact uses Bootstrap what makes it fluently adapt to any screen size instantly.

When constructing with Impact, you will first begin with the full-screen image. Sure, the menu is important just as well, but it is the large picture what everyone will see first. If you get them attracted by it, they will also check at the menu and all other parts of your page. Putting extra time into choosing the right visuals is helpful and might even make or break the business deal. The categorized portfolio is easy to navigate through your work and find the exact projects quickly. Pricing tables further vivify the whole experience but that is something you should see yourself. Little time will pass from initial set up and customization to the launch of your new website.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Since single-page websites are becoming more and more popular – they even tend to perform better – Frame is the free simple website template you will benefit from greatly. It is everything you need to create the finest web presence for your business or project. From a stunning parallax banner and on scroll content load to pricing tables, testimonials and contact page, it is all included in the bundle.

Frame has a professional, sophisticated and smooth web design that instantly adapts to all devices. It is compatible with all screens and browsers and appears stunningly on retina displays. Instead of spending hours upon hours for designing and developing the ideal website, go with Frame and all the rest becomes history. The cutting-edge outcome will always appear in the best light and help you grow.



Trainer is a powerful, yet simple, free HTML5 website template for crafting pages related to activities of all sorts. You may run a gym or you are a personal trainer, whatever you do, Trainer template will handle it with comfort. It rocks the online space with a full-screen banner with parallax effect which is accompanied by light and gorgeous web design. We can call Trainer a real eye candy.

Along with the innovative front page, Trainer also comes with other sections for programs, gallery, about and contact. You barely need to do anything on your own since Trainer has it all ready to use. You do not even need to bother building a contact page since a functional one is already part of this fantastic deal. The features of Trainer are spectacular for your web presence to show your professionalism and expertness.

Info lebih lanjut / Unduh


Unlock a fresh new horizon of possibilities for yourself with Unlock free simple website template. You can use it for all sorts of different projects including app and service landing pages. Make sure your web space is of the highest quality regardless the devices and web browsers they use for viewing your page. Unlock makes sure that you get the most out of the internet and expand your capacity and get you known.

When it comes to simplicity, it is not only the web design that is simple, Unlock is also effortless to customize. Fill it with your content and individualism and make it follow your branding color and logo wise. You should not be afraid to introduce your creativity to Unlock and make your own version out of it.



For making portfolios to display your works and share it with the world, Pixels is a fine free simple website template. For creative individuals and just about everyone that is after building a portfolio page, Pixels is ideal for you. It is modern, mobile-ready and cross-browser compatible. The features and web design are there, you only need to put them to use and shortly after you can experience the amazing results.

Some of the handy features of Pixels are full-width slider, enticing hover effects, testimonials and back to top button. Footer section is widget rich and reveals no sooner than when you scroll all the way to the bottom. All these details and great performance call for a top-notch user experience and increase in potential new clients. Let Pixels do its thing for your project today.



Creativity has no boundaries and nor does Initial. Let’s further investigate this remarkable free simple website template that will bring your online presence to an entirely new degree. Whether you need a site to redesign or you are crafting a page for the first time, Initial is a great solution to realize your ideas comfortably. Agencies, freelancers, professional individuals and everyone else who wants to push himself, start the journey with Initial.

The look of Initial is very minimal what sparks your interest in an instant. It is the full-screen banner which creates a strong first impression and makes visitors start craving for more of what you do. In just a matter of scrolls, they can get familiar with your business, your process and learn more about your work. Initial also contains an active contact form and social media icons.



Cachet is an all-in-one solution for all your businesses and projects that need extra shine they deserve. In short, Cachet is more than just your average free simple website template. It delivers two variations, a one-page and a multi-page layout which you can utilize straight away. Well, a soon as you download the tool. It is free so go ahead and do it now.

With the vast assortment of features, your web space will become one others will chat about during a coffee break. Thanks to Cachet and all that it brings to the table, you can hammer out a functional page swiftly. Video background, on scroll content load, contact form and even an online shop section, Cachet over delivers, that is for sure. There is no need for you to keep postponing site development, do it immediately, it is way easier than you may think.



Black is a, obviously, dark free simple website template with absolutely phenomenal modern touch to it. It is minimal and elegant which will surely intrigue you and make you investigate it further. Just like you aim your end user to keep browsing your page without leaving it early. And that is something very attainable with Black template. Besides, the website canvas also rocks all the latest technologies, like Bootstrap, CSS3, HTML5 and SaaS. All this tells you is that the outcome will be a steady one, performing seamlessly all the time.

The assets and characteristics of Black are outstanding, offering you to craft an enviable website. Slider, pop-up video, newsletter subscription, social media icons, back to top button and Google Maps, you get everything with Black. With as little elbow grease as possible, you can have a customized web design ready to go live thanks to Black.



Not only is it innovative and unique, Connect is also minimal and really appealing to the eye. Let’s together enjoy the amazing split-screen web design of this free simple website template. From now on, you will be looking at websites and everything else that comes along differently. It truly does not happen every day that you get a chance to get your hands on such an astonishing creation. Connect is one of the sweetest treats that will take your web presence but most importantly, your business, to the next level.

Connect displays your works in an enticing way, turning visitors into potential clients with zero trouble. Indeed, it connects people with your talent and that is what matters most. If you need something that will stand out from the crowd, as well as stand the test of time, then Connect is your go-to tool to utilize.



When you would like to format an attention grabbing website that is contemporary and easy on the eye, then you should do it with Format. The free simple website template is ready to make you a portfolio page you always fantasized about. Whether you are a solopreneour or an agency in both cases, you need to find a way how to promote your works, talents and services best. Do it the right way with Format.

The out of the box version of Format page skin is so refined and glorious, chances are, you will not want to modify it much. By all means, just add your content, your information and you are ready to roll. However, you can still do individual tweaks and deploy your own version of Format. Do what’s right and be brilliant.



Nothing holds you back once you unlock yourself access to X-Corporation. This HTML template is packed with amazing features and valuable goodies for you to bring something fresh and novel to the market. X-Corporation is a free simple website template for corporate and business pages. Of course, it only requires a few small tweaks and you can use X-Corporation for startups, agencies and consultancy firms. It is all possible.

X-Corporation is 100% responsive, cross-browser compatible, search engine optimized and based on Bootstrap. Other traits of X-Corporation template are Google Maps, sticky and mega menu, off-canvas mobile menu, smooth scroll and carousels. Whatever you do with X-Corporation, the end product is a fluid one that provides the same experience to each and every user, whether using a mobile or a desktop device.


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